All The Beauties Eat … Flax !

§ March 13th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on All The Beauties Eat … Flax !

For most of our readers will not be a revelation that the external appeal depends largely on the lifestyle that we lead. From what we eat and what we breathe. In this connection I would like to tell you about an amazing tool youth and beauty, which is also used 2,000 years ago the famous seductress Cleopatra. Name – white linen. So what is the miraculous power of white linen and the like with it, every woman can become a real beauty? Here are the secrets carries a seed of this miraculous miracle plant. Firstly, it is beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Yes, not all fats are the enemies of our appearance! pufa – real assistants feminine beauty! They are quickly integrated into the metabolism. Are the building blocks of body cells and make them more permeable wall. In lung cells come and nutrients derived products life. Due to this structure improves the hair and nails. They become strong, healthy beauty feasting. Do not forget to polyunsaturated fatty acids and the skin. They activate metabolism, making it supple, reduce wrinkles, clean away the dryness and irritation. The most useful sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids are fish oil and flaxseed oil (no wonder nutritionists call it the king of oils). Often we are exhausting ourselves diets, deprived of sleep and rest, trying to squeeze into created by someone standards. We bring a sacrifice of their health, forgetting that the beauty of a woman in her individuality and originality. And how sometimes want to treat yourself to a cake with whipped cream. But no! Fear fats and excess calories leads us to deprive ourselves of this pleasure.

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