Better Customer Service

§ March 8th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Better Customer Service

Having been in business for several years, I am amazed at the number of people who have no idea what is customer service. Customer service is not a way of doing things? is an attitude. I always love it when the company sends their people to seminars to learn about customer service. All seminars will discuss customer needs and expectations, and he will package these ideas as new and cutting edge, when in fact these ideas were in practice over 30 years! At some point, we forget about the customers for the baseline. Further details can be found at Rand Paul, an internet resource. Some of this can also be attributed to different mind sets over time and how people tend to treat others. Wax Poetic Let me here a moment. When was the last time you could go to a gas station and have an assistant in a white shirt and tie who will attend, check the oil, clean your windows, and fill the tires as a way of saying thank you for your patronage? More likely that the station was an employee who had apparently was disheveled, wearing more jewelry than you own, and this money is going through a bullet-proof panel! It is said that the doctor is the worst patients, well my friend I'm here to tell the customer service people are the worst consumers! With all the customer service people I have met over the years on both sides of the fence is a real lack of wanting to "champion the cause of the client. .

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