Blaise Pascal
It is a responsibility that is added in today’s world to those who aspire to own development, to improve on what they intend to improve this work or health, to achieve joy and real satisfactions. One of the ways of assuming these responsibilities and new challenges is applied to the exercise of the challenge. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Cindy Crawford. For example, challenging the veracity of outdated theories, prejudices that stop, or blame learned from memory and start narrating oneself other stories and threading new hopes. Because the stories we tell and the hopes that we cherish that quality of thoughts, and thus of energies, that define the fate of someone involved. Is there some magic formula to seduce the good fortune? If and is not an ode to the illusion: there are specific resources in the midst of the whirlwind that often we live. There are formulas that look like magic-based Bach flower remedies. If read well: Bach flowers to attract good fortune. Remember when the invisible waves and electrical currents are ridiculed?.
The wisdom of man is still in the infancy, said Albert Einstein. Before you tire reason to imagine that the universe of Marvel, said at the same time, Blaise Pascal. So it is better that no one be surprised. If today we smile on the widespread belief of antiquity according to which the land was sustained by turtles and giant elephants, it is fair to wonder which of our current beliefs will make smile to the men of the future; prejudices of our current culture considered them naive; or a sign of lack of development. Role play the Bach flowers with good fortune? They play one very important if we take into account that they are carriers of beneficial energy. It should not be forgotten that the energy precedes thought. All thought is born with a certain energy and is seen that it is an arrow that always gives the target (of our emotions, at least).