Brazil: Public Health Evaluation
Despite its brief form, if it looks for to demonstrate in the distance that if it created in Brazil between the legal determination that conduct the Only System of Sade (SUS) and the reality lived deeply for the population, over all in regards to the quality of the disponibilizado service, that contrasts with the effective legal normatizao. Beyond analyzing the positive and negative points of the same. To approach this subject, a comparative methodology of the Brazilian reality with the one of other countries was used, considering the peculiarity of each nation, and with that it was considered in the law that firms the SUS. The results of this analysis are me the financial administration of the health system, the privilege of the private nets in detriment to the public interest, the inadequate lack of consolidation of the career of the professional of the health and environments to the exercise of its activities, the monopoly of the market of work carried through for some doctors and the bureaucracy for the promotion and the recovery of the health. As solutions for these problems are the vote, more good to choose the representatives of the society, the stoppage of the courses that transfer public resources to the particular nets that are not in accordance with the SUS, the auditorship most efficient, with characteristics of a investigativo journalism, that it investigates, discover and denounce the imperfections, the increase of the vacant and of facultieses for the medicine course, getting more doctors and diminishing the monopoly of the same ones in the process of offers and looks for, and it improves of the education, which more takes social awareness for the citizen.
Word-key: Health. Only system of Sade (SUS). State of Social welfare. Determination Constitutional. Education. The 1 SYSTEM OF HEALTH OF BRAZIL, U.S.A., FRANCE, CANADA, CUBA AND ENGLAND to evaluate the positive and negative points of the system of health of Brazil we must know and compare the Brazilian reality with the one of other countries.