Emergency Services

§ June 14th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged , , Comments Off on Emergency Services

Two grooms moved to emergency services. (Source: After the punctual eruption of the rocket, the herd has started from los corrales de Santo Domingo clustered and headed by the meek, but soon a black bull is ahead by taking the head of a career that clean has elapsed for this stretch, where some runners have fallen without contact with animals. With this bull ahead, the Group has gone through the Town Hall square and the street merchants, whose access to Estafeta curve have saved without bumping into the fencing.

Two grooms emergency room the length of this stretch has led to a stretch of the animals, which have continued in two groups, the first with two black bulls and two halters have exchanged his position of head on several occasions thereafter. The rest of the animals have closed the race, always in a clean and more uneventful than the typical falls of runners, two of which have had to be transferred to the Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra with various bruises. Already in the coso, the Bulls have entered that order in the stalls without entertain themselves in the sand or cause problems for the runners, who have been retained in the alley by the shepherds having been one of the halters lying on the floor for a few seconds. Source of the news: the first closures of the sanfermines, very clean and quick.

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