Exercising with Child

§ October 18th, 2011 § Filed under General § Tagged , , Comments Off on Exercising with Child

The earlier start exercising with your child, so he soon begins to manifest their creative and cognitive activity. Starting lessons with a child, you must remember that all exercises should be in the form of the game. What fun and interesting game, the more pleasure will receive a child, and hence more will remember and seek to demonstrate their knowledge. Before classes begin, develop a plan, think of the game, and prepare a demonstration material, as some games require cards, cubes, sticks, etc. Mind games can be very diverse, such as puzzles, quizzes and a variety of verbal tasks. The most important thing to remember that for the successful operation should follow from the simple to the complex, so we should start with the puzzles. Offering kid puzzles, you are forcing it to include imagination, remember, and mentally represent the object.

Analyzing the puzzles, children learn to think logically, since remembering and mentally comparing it with some already familiar objects, they are trying to make a correct inference, using the already existing knowledge. The more diverse you will offer your child riddles, so he will have a more developed intuition, speed thinking, curiosity, observation, and of course logical thinking. Working with puzzles, riddles, use such as charades. Charade – a word that consists of several components, such as phase salt in a horn). Guessing words in parts, in turn, makes guessing the whole word as a whole. More difficult game – a game with crossword puzzles. For kid crossword puzzle – it's a real puzzle, such a puzzle to the children present initially in the form of riddles, or as a small fun rhymes, and then later in the form of questions.

If during training the child begins bored, you should stop and postpone classes at another time. Remember, do not make the kid do what he wants, or you can do to fight off his desire to play with you. Try to keep developing games, were fun, laughing, smiling, as only then they will give a positive result, and the child himself will ask you to play with him. Intellectual and educational games, not only enrich the vocabulary of a child, and develop qualities such as resourcefulness, ingenuity, independence, attention, speed of response and interest in knowledge. One of the most interesting games, which is like not only children but also adults – a quiz. Playing in the quiz, the child learns a lot of interesting and informative, thereby expanding their horizons. Taking part in the quiz, the child checks and reinforces their knowledge. Parents are also checking the level of knowledge of their children and learning in what issues they have gaps, should try to make the necessary knowledge to succeed in the future.

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