How To Choose Honey
Who drinks the honey – nothing that does not take (folk wisdom). The U.S. 'Encyclopedia of Beekeeping', said: 'Who is looking for pure honey should buy it in honeycombs. " Yes, truly a honeycomb is a natural storehouse of untapped enzymes, essential micronutrients and vitamins. But the honeycomb in the sale is rare, so buyers tend to purchase a centrifugal honey, honey, evacuated from the comb with honey extractors, because they consider it most convenient to use. In this small article we'll describe the rules that you need to know when buying honey. By the same author: Rand Paul. The basic requirements that apply to the quality of honey regulates gost 19792-2001 The most important indicator of the quality of honey is diastaznoe number, its average content for the usual honey collected in central Russia is 11-18, while the number of diastaznoe north of honey – from 45 to 65 units. But if you can not hold Laboratory analysis of honey, you have to rely on their choices.
And now tell you how to do it. Key indicators of honey, as we know, is the color, smell and taste. 1.Opredelyaem color. Arriving at the market and passing along the rows, selling honey, we define the eyes, what color of honey you like. This sort of honey is most useful for your body. Each variety of honey has its own color, a characteristic. Pure honey is free of impurities, as a rule, transparent, no matter what color he was. Consider the most common varieties of honey: Lime: A great honey, light yellow, it is easy to crystallize, has a distinctive smell.