
§ November 5th, 2013 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Hyperhidrosis

We all know that sweat is a natural mechanism that the body uses to lower the temperature when it is very hot or we’re doing gymnastics. However, the smelly, damp and sticky feeling that causes are annoyances that we all want to avoid. Luckily, there are many practical, very useful tips on how to avoid sweating, which we present below. To avoid sweating, first thing is to wash thoroughly more sweaty areas, with plenty of water and SOAP. This removes the bacteria that have grown on the skin thanks to the accumulation of sweat, and which are responsible for the odor. Then, dry the skin thoroughly.

If you leave moisture, they will again grow fungi and bacteria. You can then apply some products that help reduce the excretion of sweat. Some home remedies for this purpose may be: vinegar, lemon juice, bicarbonate, boric acid, perfumed talc, etc. But one of the best tips on how to avoid sweating is to apply antiperspirants based hydrochloride from aluminium, which is a very efficient substance to reduce sweat. There are specific products for every part of the body: underarms, face, feet, etc. It is ideal that you higienices the increased sweating areas several times a day, reapplying the antiperspirant product of your choice. This point is very important to reduce sweat. It is always convenient to wear cotton instead of synthetics like polyester or nylon.

Cotton and natural fibers allow the circulation of air on the skin, evaporating sweat and prevents it from accumulating. If you follow these tips and you can not even control excessive sweating, you should consult with your physician, because there could be some pathology that was causing the excess of sweat, such as hyperthyroidism, infection, etc. There are natural remedies for excessive sweat. So, you can combat your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can prepare at home. If you want to eliminate your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for the excessive sweating.

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