IT System
IT-system and consulting company will award 10,000 euros for sport for the disabled, diagnosis – caring for children and young people, as well as dementia Hennef tables, November 7, 2011. Six organisations in the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis are the winners of the CONET donations this year. 2,700 euros go to electric Hockey Club Sankt Augustin e.V. for the financing by professional gangs. In addition will receive 1,500 euros the Club Abdo Hennef e.V. to support dementia, the children and Youth Foundation Hennef domestic violence have experienced to support their reading inspired project for children and young people, the social service Catholic women e.V. for the HAKUNA MATATA project for the care of children, the crawling beetles “Gymnastics Group on disability and development-delayed children of Kinderschutzbundes Siegburg for the financing of a horseback riding therapy vacation, as well as the society of friends and promoters of community primary Hennef Gartenstrasse e.V.
for the provision of a lunch for” socially disadvantaged children. Nearly 50 organisations, associations and initiatives of the entire Rhein-Sieg-Kreis and Bonn have involved in 2011 from the competition. This shows not only the outstanding commitment to the integration of disadvantaged people in the society, but also the high need for financial resources to support the work of volunteers in most cases. Our decision for the six bodies is not as a classification in terms of the meaning – or Verdiensthaftigkeit of work to understand not winning this year because all organisations deserve our full recognition for their achievements”, emphasizes Rudiger Zeyen of CEO of CONET technologies AG. The Club Abdo Hennef e.V. promotes sustainable and future-oriented senior work throughout the city of Hennef. The 1,500-euro donation will be used to expand of the offerings for people with dementia. In addition to the home care group offers and excursions to be financed, more to involve in social life ill. The children and Youth Foundation Hennef, short Charith, promotes Hennefer children and young people from socially disadvantaged Families.