
§ January 18th, 2015 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Licenciatura

With regard to the formation of professors, Lech (2007), salient that the attention is urgent that must be given the formation of the professor. As example, Bodah (2010) quotation that one of the main problems that faced in exerting professor, was due to preparation lack, arguing that: ‘ ‘ the institutions of education generally in them prepare for the pupil ‘ ‘ ideal’ ‘ , while the pupil ‘ ‘ real’ ‘ he has of being deciphered cotidianamente.’ ‘ (p.13). Thus, the formation of the professors of physical education must have disciplines practical as: sports, dances, gymnasticses you enter others, and also you discipline as: philosophy, sociology, psychology, didactics and the periods of training. Thus, the academic will have the chance to establish the relation between practical theory and.

Being thus, Pepper (2008) considers that: ‘ ‘ In the formation of professors, resumes must consider the research as cognitivo principle, investigating with the pupils the pertaining to school reality, developing in them this investigativa attitude in its professional activities and thus becoming the research also formative principle in docncia.’ ‘ (p.17). For in such a way, the process is understood that educative, occurs between the theory and the practical one, then, the education always practical will be intecionalizada by the theory. Considering the affirmations above, it is understood that the graduandos in physical education, through discipline of Supervised Period of training establish the relation between the theory and the practical one, making with that the graduandos know and problematizem the pertaining to school context, elaborate projects, they organize and they co-ordinate the teaching activities.

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