More Effective Time Management
“Be a tidy workplace: Everything in its place, and a place for everything. It is very easy. From early morning all should be prepared to function properly. There may be a customer to call early and we must be prepared to inform you properly. In the job order and organization are the prelude to greater efficiency. Imagine when working with the public, no one likes to walk into a store and see it all messy, it gives a bad image of the place and the person who attends. We have it presented the best possible, so that causes a desire to purchase by our client. 2 – Use good personal presentation: Especially if you work with the public. Think you see you as representative of the company and that you match the image you expect from your partner. Nor should we neglect a good presentation of ourselves in the face of colleagues. 3 – Make everything in its order: So what comes first.
Many times we begin to work with what we want more and that is no more pleasant and make it as difficult for the end, we must bear in mind that first thing we will be more “fresh” to resolve the difficulties and not give up the evening with the same efficiency. 4-Take appropriate planning your daily schedule: Write down all the issues that have to be solved, the annotations that arise during the day. A good technique is to create one list of tasks to be performed and once the van by removing irlas your calendar. You can also set an order according to importance of the tasks to be performed. 5-Meets the word given to the client: We always have to give customers what they really are offering. If you encounter a problem and this is not possible it is better to give them an explanation though we may not have asked for.
6 – To organize around the phone so we may need more time to consult with our clients. It’s annoying for the customer and gives the impression of being disorganized Being interrupted their conversation to fetch some information. You should have at hand, the price list invoices, … today it is best to be computerized and consult all our terminal. Have paper handy for notes. 7 “We must listen to customers to sell our products. Listening to what it tells us we will discover your purchasing needs and advise on what item is best suited for him. If satisfied with our help the next time you have a need for recourse to us or even better. 8 – Being well informed about our products. The better we know our products better we can inform our customers and the easier sell. An adequate knowledge of the product conveys confidence and credibility to the client. 9 – Make notes when you talk to a customer, supplier or when you have questions. It is a way to avoid forgetfulness and confusion. When you call to schedule a consultation, when you have scored all the data question the name of the person giving the information. It will be good to adopt the habit of taking notes to keep them attached to the issues at hand. 10 – Keeping tabs control of your customers or people you have requested information: It will be a good referral system. What we use as a database, we can segment the age, sex, place of residence … He always consult when we need them, it is good to note the last date of contact was the reason for the consultation.