Nurse Contagious

§ May 23rd, 2013 § Filed under General § Tagged , , , Comments Off on Nurse Contagious

Parents are studying filing a collective lawsuit against the Gemelli Hospital in Rome Centre. The nurse is currently admitted at another hospital. Tests have been made to 1,128 children who were born between January and July 2011 at the Center. Ninety-six babies have contracted the tuberculosis bacteria after coming into contact with a nurse on the Paediatric Department of the Gemelli Hospital in Rome that had that disease, so now parents study present a collective lawsuit against the Center. After learning that the disease of the nurse, who still currently entered in another Roman hospital, the Gemelli began testing the 1,128 children who were born between January and July 2011 and could have had contact with the health aide. Of these, 96 babies have given positive to tuberculosis bacterium and, although medical authorities require that this does not mean that they will develop the disease, have had to undergo prophylaxis of these cases. These days grew up the fear that an epidemic occurred in tuberculosis among the newborns, but after the publication of the latest data, health authorities say that everything is under control. However, now the parents of infected children are studying filing a collective to clarify how it was possible that a person with TB does not inform the hospital.

The parliamentary and lawyer Giulia Bongiorno, whose 7-month-old son has also been subjected to tests, but with negative result, announced that it would submit a collective demand together with other families. We will submit a complaint at the Prosecutor’s Office in Rome. Parents do not want only an economic compensation but that want to discover who is guilty of everything this, said Bongiorno. Source of the news: A nurse of TB infects 96 babies in an Italian hospital

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