Problems with Low Fiber Diet
Hemorrhoids – varicose veins is in the anus, which is growing more than 50% of the adult population. The appearance of hemorrhoids promotes eating a low fiber content, which is very common in the modern world, and the resulting constipation. Another common cause – pregnancy. Our recommendations: 1. The use of stimulants 'Piocal' as systemically and locally, which is especially important for drivers transport. 2. Sufficient amounts of plant fiber in the diet to normalize motor function of the intestines and prevent constipation – 'Beloyar (calendula)'. 3. Important for preventing constipation and is balance of normal intestinal microflora, which provides for the use of concentrate '' phyto tea 'Tibetan'. 4. Obligatory hygienic measures to prevent adherence of infection. Locally appropriate use of 'Rihitola', 'Vivitana', ''. 5. Aromatherapy: 2 drops of essential oil of geranium or lemon juice, add a cup of warm water and apply a tampon soaked in the solution to sites. This will reduce the unpleasant sensation. Or take a sitz bath for 5-10 minutes, adding 4 drops of geranium or lemon.