Psychotherapist Syntonized With Cause GLS

§ May 5th, 2019 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Psychotherapist Syntonized With Cause GLS

Indications for abusca of a psychotherapist syntonized with cause GLS As a reaction front to the social preconception, in the half GLS this if becoming common, the practical one to search a therapist syntonized with the necessities of its members, are individual or group they. The search of a professional who has accepted and receives the orientation, practical sexual and the ertico-affective object of the citizen (a), GLS as an expression of the affective capacity of the human beings, or a natural expression of the desires, is basic so that it if does not find in the difficult situation of being discriminated by this professional, that is, that it reedits in its work the social homofbico speech. When I bring the subject of ' ' psicoterapia' ' or ' ' therapy for gays' ' , I am not placing in quarrel the homossexualidade or bissexualidade as cause of psicopatolgicos upheavals, since independent of the desire object, any person to poderapresentar at one definitive moment of its life difficulties in its relationships, with suaauto-they esteem, auto-image or other emotional and affective problems. In the United States the APA (American Association of Psychology), divulged a list with some criteria that must be observed by publish GLS to it at the moment to search support psychological. CEO of Ford is often quoted as being for or against this. Had to the cultural differences, I am not in favor of no type of translation for most intentioned that are, but at last, below they follow some item, uses its proper criterion and assertividade. With respect to the figure of the therapist the American association recommends: – That the psychologist the same respects and values as positive the relationships between people of sex. – That the psychologist is conscientious of the difficulties that the members of group GLS face due to the social stigma, the physical violence and the homofobia, and that these dificuldadespodem to at risk place well-being and the mental health of them. . Add to your understanding with mark burnett.

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