Rio De Janeiro
Practical of arborization in the streets and the avenues of Brazil it little has more than 120 years, being this a recent activity, compared with the practical one in the European countries. The first attempt happened in the streets of Rio De Janeiro, with the preparativeses of the marriage of D. Peter I. At the time, the people in charge had had great difficulties in arborizar the streets. It believed the people who the shade formed for the trees was responsible for the maleita, yellow fever and measles. It started the use of sibipirunas, wood-iron, cssias, paineiras, flamboyants, jacarands among others (ELETROPAULO, 1995). Well woody urban environments stimulate and promote the cure and the abrandamento estresse of it psychological (ULRICH, 1984). According to dictionary Silveira Bueno, arborization means plantation of trees.
Already GREY & DENEKE (1978) defines as arbrea covering, that a city presents. However, MILANO (1990) considering this restricted concept, for mentioning itself only to the arbreas species, admits as urban arborization, other areas that, independent of the transport of the urban vegetation, are presented predominantly, natural and not busy. Already RASP ET AL (1994), quotation that urban arborization says respect to the vegetal elements of arbreo transport, inside of urbe, such as trees and others. In this approach, the trees planted in sidewalk, are part of the urban arborization, however, they do not integrate the system of green areas. The urban arborization is a question important to provide a healthful physical environment and is related with the presence of vegetal species in public spaces as parks, streets, avenues, gardens and squares.