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§ January 6th, 2025 § Filed under General § Tagged - education & career, vocational Comments Off on Personal Trainer
Personal fitness training with the ‘ BSA-personal-trainer certificate more and more customers looking for an intensive and individual care by a personal fitness coach. Follow others, such as Rand Paul, and add to your knowledge base. Also you qualify with the part-time courses of the BSA Academy to the personal trainer and open new customer groups. A personal trainer on the same knowledge base uses difference between a personal trainer and a fitness trainer as a fitness trainer in the Studio. To deepen your understanding Geoffrey Harger is the source. Both require extensive know-how in the fields of health-oriented training, active control of training to achieve targets, customized nutrition, mental strategies/relaxation and communication. However, the practice areas on the basis of individual customer wishes differed strongly.
Therefore need personal trainer per specialization and customer base different qualifications. This can be difficult to meet by a specified standard qualification. Therefore can sign up at the BSA-personal-trainer certificate”participants from the BSA courses of fitness-/ health-oriented departments put together as a professional personal trainer qualification profile that can be expanded at any time. The order and time design is left completely the participants. “Important: the BSA-personal-trainer certificate” combines at least a basic qualification, two building qualification and two more courses of the Academy of the BSA. You want to focus on work example combination with customers who want to combine a health-oriented exercise with relaxation and stress reduction? “In this case, you could as a first course for your BSA-personal-trainer certificate” the basic qualification of fitness trainer-B-license “choose. In this course, you will learn how to perform a long term training plan in the range of motion.
An ideal construction qualification would be the health coach”, which you can use to create health-conscious movement programmes as a fundamental measure in the prevention of civilization and movement deficiency disease. To “” To be able to offer its customers in addition to the exercise also targeted programmes in the area of mental fitness/relaxation, the qualifications recommended coach “and relaxation trainer” mentally. “As a mental coach” develop strategies to change of behavior with your customers and put them into practice. In the qualification for the relaxation trainer”learn on the basis of different procedures and exercises from yoga, qigong or Feldenkrais own relaxation courses develop. Your customers to offer combined with the stress management consultant”, which enables you to develop strategies to prevent and deal with everyday stressors and this, you have your individual personal trainer profile collected, that you need for the intensive and individual care of their customers. This is just an example of how your individual qualifications profile as a personal trainer could look like.
§ March 22nd, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged - education & career, vocational Comments Off on Phenomenon Test Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes And Sustainable Solutions Through Hypnosis
Test anxiety is known from school testing situations. Hypnosis by effectively combating of the causes remedy against performance-inhibiting fear, also in other areas of life. Test anxiety in the school as business or private sector arises from various experiences symptoms of test anxiety in the school and the business world. Nervousness is the lightest form, a sign of personal insecurity. In case of school exams, you might know that one has learned enough. May find examination in one fear trade instead.
In all sections, previous failures increase the fear of a possible repeat. In addition to these and other thoughts, the symptoms of test anxiety expressed physically and mentally different. The most expression is”black out”, so a complete audit failure despite good preparation for learning. This can be done as well as in business decision-making situations. Important talks remain suspended, accounts do not come concluded that the desired results will not occur. The result may be an increase of test anxiety in repeat situations.
The parties concerned try conscious techniques, dealing with test anxiety. Well talk to more learning, or other work for a short time, but not always. Relaxed and permanently successful testing and decision making situations to deal with, the causes must be found and eliminated. Hypnosis fights the causes by blocking solution to admit his test anxiety can be the first important step towards an improvement of all life. Hypnosis, a common practice in many areas, is effective against the causes of exam anxiety. The effective active principles contained on the hypnosis CD exam preparation course. In the first approach, traced the causes of exam anxiety in the subconscious, the blockages. Now relax inside occurs. The special hypnosis treatment enabled untapped resources inherent in the second step. In dealing with situations of test builds through these positive changes into the subconscious at all no test anxiety on.
§ March 7th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged - education & career, profession Comments Off on Classes Nationwide – the national portal for tuition In February 2009 Portal was successfully launched the nationwide tutoring. Provides individual tutors for all subjects and classes is from elementary school up to high school. This deal with the tutor to the Elimination of gaps, assist in preparation of presentations and exams and assist in understanding and applying of the current curriculum. Right now the certificate final spurt the rush on tuition is high. The demand for the three classic math, German, and English is the highest expected. This tuition is used increasingly by elementary school students, to receive the coveted recommendation for the high school or to improve existing high school marks.
In the first three months, over 1000 tutors have registered rising. Most of you are professional teachers students on teacher training, trainees, trainers or native speakers who bring the necessary practical experience, and since several years already successful tutoring type. Some tutors have also further experiences in dealing with learning disorders, such as ADHD or dyslexia. All the teachers set the hourly fee, the minimum rate for 45 minutes of tutors is located at 6,-. Thus, private tutors has become a low-cost alternative to group lessons at institutions and is attractive for low-income households, which are so far been marginalized by high prices for tuition. The concept is very simple. The tutor have meaningful profiles that can be called by parents and students. A detailed search and sorting functionality available is registered users.
The appropriate tutor is usually quickly localized based on different characteristics. Questions whether this is available be sent independently by parents and students. The teachers respond directly. Aims at providing quick and low-cost of tuition. Ideally, a tuition agency can within Minutes come. As special innovation, there are the collection request, the parents and students at the same time to contact up to three tutors. The tutor, who reacted fastest receives the order. This increases the chance quickly to find a qualified teacher and saves valuable time. Afterwards will be decided individually between parents and teachers when and how often the individual tutoring should take place.
§ February 19th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged - education & career, vocational Comments Off on March Ireland
Ireland: Prospects for German students of Dublin/Langenbach OBB., January 21, 2008 – is the new German website of Griffith College Dublin (GCD) on the topic of study in Ireland ‘ for students, parents, teachers and guidance counsellors from Germany with a comprehensive overview of all Bachelor’s courses of the GCD on the Emerald Isle. On its Web site, the Germany Office of the GCD of the Irish higher education as well as application procedures, eligibility, Bachelor and master – informed courses, tuition fees, foreign BAfoG, recognition of qualifications, language & language courses, residential & life as well as the added value of studying abroad in Ireland. Visitors from be informed step by step through everything you need to know. More questions can be asked via E-Mail and a hotline. Public relations in Germany is the Germany Office near organized by Munich.
Well prepared nothing more in the way is the step to the study on the Emerald Isle. Special highlight for the year 2008, two planned study tryout days for German students are on the GCD. Live on 28 March and 20 June, prospective customers from Germany can Griffith College in Dublin in the context of study try out days”. There among other things directly from faculty and staff, visitors can learn what brings everything with the student life in Ireland. On request from teachers and guidance counselors, notified the GCD Germany Office personally visits and events on the topic of study abroad on the study perspectives in Ireland and later professional opportunities in a global labour market.
In the section contact and dates ‘ German high-school graduates and students can find also the dates for studies fairs all over Germany, where the Griffith College Dublin is the questions of school-leavers and clownish from Germany. At the booth, German students of the GCD are ready to report their personal experiences of studying in Ireland. Visitors experience it first-hand, what makes so studierenswert a study in Ireland, but also, where the particular challenges lie on the migratory birds must adapt. Despite relative proximity to Ireland, there are the small cultural differences and goofed in daily life? interested parties can read detailed on all these issues. There you will also learn how and where you can get to know personally the GCD. Further questions can be directed to: Florian Burkhardt Germany Office Manager t. 08761 63292 F. 08617 62172 E.
§ March 5th, 2017 § Filed under General § Tagged - education & career, vocational Comments Off on Find Great With YOUNECT Training Places On The
With YOUNECT, students get the chance ‘jobmesse dortmund’ on 27/28 February exclusively to be presented to the company of their choice on the. Berlin, February 08, 2010. Now students can have exclusive and free convey in their desired education. YOUNECT searches, registered users on the two best suitable applicants for each participating exhibitor of the jobmesse dortmund”out. The students selected by YOUNECT meet the employers in the student lounge at the job fair personally and can stand out from the grey mass of applicants. In addition, students benefit from the support of YOUNECT. The team supervised the students not only at the fair, but prepared already earlier by phone on the job interview.
The exhibiting companies advertise a job on in the run-up to the job fair. These training positions are currently advertised for the job fair in Dortmund, Germany: police officers/r, engineer/r, occupational therapist / in,. Salesman, insurance clerk, technical draughtsman – mechanical and plant engineering, specialist for warehouse logistics, Management Assistant in wholesale and foreign trade, health and nurse, medical assistant – radiology, medical / r Assistant – laboratory medicine, clerk for insurance and finance (sales oriented), specialist (application development or systems integration). Students who are interested in one of the scheduled training courses, follow these steps: register for free on. Fill out profiles and career record.
Conduct skills check. Enable candidate and competence profile. YOUNECT together to match the profiles of the companies and of the registered students and finds out that suitable applicants. The candidate – and competency profile form the basis for the mediation. We deem it very important that fits the trainees to the company”, explains YOUNECT managing director Martin g. As an employee you should can meet not only the job requirements of the employer, but identify themselves with the goals and values of the company. Then nothing more in the way is a happy professional future”, so next g. In times of demographic change and impending talent shortage YOUNECT brings together match students and employers. Web 2.0 portal students offers professional orientation. In addition to extensive information about occupations, students learn better to assess their skills and interests. Besides the jobmesse dortmund”is YOUNECT also on the jobmesse Dusseldorf” on March 13/14 and the jobmesse Lubeck”on March 20/21 training courses provide. The vacancies will be announced at the appropriate time. Press contact Younect GmbH, Karntener Strasse 8, 10827 Berlin Martin Gaedt, Managing Director Tel.: + 49 (0) 30/76 76 86 72 fax: + 49 (0) 30/76 76 88 41 about the Younect GmbH on the Web 2.0 platform gives the entry level Younect GmbH company. Younect specializes in the speech of students nationwide are looking for training courses, dual degree programs and internships. Younect e-recruiting, employer branding professionals provides employers career orientation. For the social orientation and transparent terms and conditions Younect received the seal of approval as a fair job exchange. The business model was already showered with prizes: Younect is the winner of Web 2.0 startup Awards 2008, the Webciety startup awards at CeBIT 2009 and an of three nominees for the 2009 IT innovation prize of the Initiative Mittelstand in the field of human resources.
§ June 6th, 2014 § Filed under General § Tagged - education & career Comments Off on Nadine Weiland
The Studio members regarding Yoga offerings in the group demand as well as the needs of customers after a 1:1 support. The training intensive Yoga includes personal trainer B license with instructor Stephan Suh everything a personal trainer must know to meet these needs. Also organization, rhetoric, and acquisitions are on the curriculum. Many personal trainers are wondering what all is necessary and useful to quickly and efficiently the own personal trainer business to push and to be really successful. In the two-day workshop “succeed to succeed” is defined first of all, what means success and to achieve what objectives as a personal trainer. The personality in the foreground stands first.
Then as income, supply and protection as well as orientation and marketing topics. After the workshop, the personal trainers have developed a personal guide for their future careers and their future success. The SAFS & Training Academy the SAFS BETA & BETA Training Academy is one of the leading private educational institutions in the field of fitness and wellness in Germany and has now over 20 years valuable experience in training design and knowledge back. High-quality, fitness trainer and instructor-led training ISO certified and with direct practical application and implementation in all areas of education and training. The offer includes the training to the fitness coach and personal trainer to the areas of nutrition, group training, indoor cycling, relaxation, yoga and Pilates.
With the cooperation between SAFS & BETA, the ILS and the European remote University of Hamburg was the offer through an apprenticeship in the dual system, called “Fitness & business education”, expanded. All offers are to see press contact Nadine Weiland SAFS & BETA KG Johanna-Kirchner-str. 2A D-65239 high home phone: + 49 (0) 6146 / 60 66 21 agency contact Nikolai Tauscher Horn printing & publishing KG bridge meadow str. 6-10 D-76646 Bruchsal Tel.: + 49 (0) 7251 / 97 85 52