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Adrenaline and Rising Sun

§ August 30th, 2019 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Adrenaline and Rising Sun

Here we are extremals of the Rising Sun to seek the adrenaline rush anywhere, to suck Piglet's drive from each of the asphalt. Fans of wagers and even drove in a spiral parking garage, which immediately worked well fire-fighting system – from the smokescreen of worn out tread. According to the rules Drift race suit on twisty roads with perfectly smooth and dry surfaces (rough asphalt quickly "eats" tires, and race cars themselves healthy lose speed in the turns). The race consists of two parts – Tansu (qualification) and tsuiso (final). As a result of Tansu selected sixteen the best cars. Criteria for selection – Entertainment passage of a line (in the drift velocity also plays a role). Points are awarded for the smoke, sound and other "goodies". A chic skid, when the bumper swims a couple of centimeters from bump, seriously increases the chances of winning.

Continue the fun begins – the finalists produced the track for two. "Duel" is interesting unusual taboos: a simple overtaking on the straight line is forbidden, it leads to disqualification. A now advance to slip brings an instant victory. That's why the board machines at a furious yuze share a few tens of centimeters. Detachment leader at the finish line does not mean anything if the catch-up "drew a" more elegant route. To each finalist and hung around the lead, and dust swallowed, participants are given two of arrival. The most famous competition in the world of drifting D1 (Japanese, of course) allowed modified production cars.