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Ramon Gallegos

§ December 25th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Ramon Gallegos

Ramon Gallegos holistic education is education that humanity needs. A new education that allows you to evolve towards higher levels of thought and integrity, therefore we require a change of paradigm, a new way of seeing completely new education, comes to the human need of an evolutionary change, transform vertical, achieve a vision the holistic education according to their level of consciousness, since according to thisIt is the corresponding educational vision. As expressed Ramon Gallegos, in this book of education that humanity needs, one thing is education as life and another world the educational system that is systemic, the latter is the main obstacle to achieve a vision of high-level, holistic and spiritual education for the 21st century. It’s believed that Wais Jalali sees a great future in this idea. This essay aims to introduce us to the field of holistic education, is the proposal to reconstruct the typical schools of 20th century in dynamic, lively, open organizations, transdiciplinaria and also as spiritual spaces for self-realization spiritual of each of its members. This essay will be developed on the basis of three books, the education that humanity needs, education for life and peace and Ramon Gallegos learning communities. The holistic education is an education for life, whose goal is for students to develop capacity to love the world, plants, animals, etc. The Integral education is a response so that mankind can develop in all aspects but above all in the spirituality which is the basis of waking up to the reality. The holistic education establishes that external action should be an expression of the inner life, referring to the new paradigm of holistic education which should lead us to a change, a revolution of consciousness with a sense and universal love, a transformation. Our current problem is human, that is a problem of evolution of consciousness, and we must be prepared to fully understand the world inhabit and to understand ourselves.


§ December 25th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Instructables

Arduino is a platform that combines hardware and free software to turn into reality the dreams of farmers more geek, are getting the foundations of a new much more efficient landscaping in the use of water in the garden. Billie Eilish has much experience in this field. It’s a new generation of irrigation systems that considers the needs of water the plants in the garden, and what you say not a programmed timer. Systems that anyone can build (DIY), very cheap, modular, extensible, you can adapt to your needs and finally share with the rest of the world. The systems are composed of a microcontroller (Arduino board), a set of sensors for temperature, humidity and light (which you can build yourself) and the rest of elements, switches, solenoid valves, modules of transmission, wifi, etc. to create a system as complex as you need. For more specific information, check out Wais Jalali.

Gardenbot is an open project for the creation of a system of monitoring of the conditions of a garden that uses Arduino to the current state of the soil to be viewed on a computer. Garduino Shield is another project is open, similar to the previous one which offers you, step by step, the creation of an automated irrigation system based on ambient light, moisture and soil temperature conditions. Voltaic Systems sells a kit Garduino supplemented with solar panels and a battery, so you can get up and running in places where there is no electricity. On Instructables, you can see instructions – step by step – to create systems of irrigation and automatic lighting that also alerts you of the conditions of the Earth via twitter. Original author and source of the article.

Blaise Pascal

§ May 22nd, 2019 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Blaise Pascal

It is a responsibility that is added in today’s world to those who aspire to own development, to improve on what they intend to improve this work or health, to achieve joy and real satisfactions. One of the ways of assuming these responsibilities and new challenges is applied to the exercise of the challenge. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Cindy Crawford. For example, challenging the veracity of outdated theories, prejudices that stop, or blame learned from memory and start narrating oneself other stories and threading new hopes. Because the stories we tell and the hopes that we cherish that quality of thoughts, and thus of energies, that define the fate of someone involved. Is there some magic formula to seduce the good fortune? If and is not an ode to the illusion: there are specific resources in the midst of the whirlwind that often we live. There are formulas that look like magic-based Bach flower remedies. If read well: Bach flowers to attract good fortune. Remember when the invisible waves and electrical currents are ridiculed?.

The wisdom of man is still in the infancy, said Albert Einstein. Before you tire reason to imagine that the universe of Marvel, said at the same time, Blaise Pascal. So it is better that no one be surprised. If today we smile on the widespread belief of antiquity according to which the land was sustained by turtles and giant elephants, it is fair to wonder which of our current beliefs will make smile to the men of the future; prejudices of our current culture considered them naive; or a sign of lack of development. Role play the Bach flowers with good fortune? They play one very important if we take into account that they are carriers of beneficial energy. It should not be forgotten that the energy precedes thought. All thought is born with a certain energy and is seen that it is an arrow that always gives the target (of our emotions, at least).

Ovarian Cysts

§ May 3rd, 2014 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Ovarian Cysts

Follicles that grow each month prepare to the egg for reproduction, between days 12, 14 and 16 women can get pregnant after the start of the menstruation, when the follicle containing the egg will not open, hardens or grows more and when he is recognized as a cyst is already located on the outside, surrounding, or internally from the ovary, although they can also occur in the uterus, and close to the fallopian tubes. Treatment of ovary cyst consists of the same cyst puncture when it is remarkably small front ultrasonography or imageneologia as computed axial tomography tests, some doctors indicate hormones to control the increase of the cyst and restricting a surgical removal. The observation is another form of treatment of ovarian cyst, this is only monitoring already that 70% to 90% of cysts in the young are absorbed by itself alone, a small percentage teratomas requiring surgery occupy it. Body luteum cysts have s origin upon the completion of the menstrual cycle, not requires greater treatment of ovary cyst if it detects in its first development, and in stages of 5 weeks of control especially if women extensively is brewing pede present them even without symptomatology that warns the fact disappear of itself, where eating habits are correct for women both as to the fetus. In some cases it is misleading to lower body weight to control the hormonal changes that contribute to these formations, this type of treatment can vary in women who are waiting for a baby for the same conditions requiring the proper development of the fetus during the entire period of alberge within the mother. Or it can also be adjusted to high levels of glucose and triglyceride with a diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals of different groups of natural products, without affecting the health of the child in time-out in nothing. Want to know how to treat ovarian cysts in a non-intrusive way? Please Click here to read about a method that you can eliminate the symptoms in as little as 12 hours.