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Rights and Welfare of the Child

§ August 2nd, 2011 § Filed under General Comments Off on Rights and Welfare of the Child

Children have rights. They need these rights to be respected for their overall health and well being. Indeed, “Who will save this little boy, smaller than a grain of oats? Where will the hammer executioner of this chain? “Miguel Hernandez. MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT REALLY THE RIGHTS MAY BE ENFORCED recognized the existence of human rights, about which there seems to be a basic agreement, and the desirability of these rights are formulated in an explicit way (of which the Declaration is an example Universal Human Rights) and its realization is guaranteed by the state, which we can ask is why it is necessary to talk specifically about the rights of children. If children are recognized as fully human beings, then possess the same rights as individuals of any age, which would make it unnecessary to make special rights for them, which, however it is done, such as the Convention on the Rights the boy and girl adopted by the United Nations on November 20, 1989. The need to speak directly from the childrens rights is justified by the specific characteristics that humans have for a long period of infancy and can be summarized in two: immaturity and dependence. It should be noted, moreover, is not enough to simple declarations of rights if it is not anticipated the possibility of its realization. Having a bill of rights is an important step forward compared to having none. But the possibility is real exercise that determines that a society is fair, and not merely the abstract formulation of rights. The most important thing is that really the rights can be exercised.