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§ May 29th, 2013 § Filed under General Comments Off on You Want A Stable Job
In United States, many choose to find stable jobs in public administration. Better wages and prestige they sacrificed in pursuit of security. Today this premise is not valid. With the recession in many States, public posts are in danger today. The deficit faced by has forced them affect jobs in areas such as education, public services, and practically in each unit of the State touched them reviewing their payroll for purposes of staff reduction. Stable jobs are already things of the past, if you want to have control of your income, one option to consider is to start your own business from home. This alternative allows you to generate extra income while still keeping your job.
As well as jobs in public administration offered stability, business from home opportunities offer marked differences among others. Among the factors that offer better opportunities for sales are those who have products of mass consumption and having lines of products oriented to the health and wellness. These two branches of the industry, are those that offer a continuous growth despite the global financial crisis. Growth projections are around 10-15% annual. This is one important reason at the moment of choosing the industry to which you want to belong. The stability of these concepts in the companies already positioned, which have more than 10 years in the market, offer the support of the brand of their products, allowing the independent businessman to promote them more easily.
In addition, these companies grow in times of crisis, sales soar and new entrepreneurs benefit under the multilevel model. They are these business concepts that Donald Trump and r. Kiyosaki refer when they say that the best option to generate wealth is with own business under the concept of MLM. Offers the stability of residual income system, which allows you to generate revenue by duplication of the concept of sales of those that are in your line of sponsorship of your team. This well-developed activity generates income that allows you to have financial stability and secure your future. Job stability is already a myth in the traditional sector, you can have job security when you’re your own boss and not can anyone dismiss you.
Parents are studying filing a collective lawsuit against the Gemelli Hospital in Rome Centre. The nurse is currently admitted at another hospital. Tests have been made to 1,128 children who were born between January and July 2011 at the Center. Ninety-six babies have contracted the tuberculosis bacteria after coming into contact with a nurse on the Paediatric Department of the Gemelli Hospital in Rome that had that disease, so now parents study present a collective lawsuit against the Center. After learning that the disease of the nurse, who still currently entered in another Roman hospital, the Gemelli began testing the 1,128 children who were born between January and July 2011 and could have had contact with the health aide. Of these, 96 babies have given positive to tuberculosis bacterium and, although medical authorities require that this does not mean that they will develop the disease, have had to undergo prophylaxis of these cases. These days grew up the fear that an epidemic occurred in tuberculosis among the newborns, but after the publication of the latest data, health authorities say that everything is under control. However, now the parents of infected children are studying filing a collective to clarify how it was possible that a person with TB does not inform the hospital.
The parliamentary and lawyer Giulia Bongiorno, whose 7-month-old son has also been subjected to tests, but with negative result, announced that it would submit a collective demand together with other families. We will submit a complaint at the Prosecutor’s Office in Rome. Parents do not want only an economic compensation but that want to discover who is guilty of everything this, said Bongiorno. Source of the news: A nurse of TB infects 96 babies in an Italian hospital
§ May 15th, 2013 § Filed under General § Tagged news Comments Off on The Fragility Of Life
A siren fled, swishing, running with a dead road of death Eugenio de Nora. THE advance of the science leaves back to safety preventive techniques, the occupational medicine and the improvement of the statistics allowed us to know better than at any time the first cause of accidents, an evil that is still endemic and charged, after the year, millions of human lives. The violent death has two large sources. One is the derivative of natural cataclysms, with those who occasionally reminds us the nature our weakness and helplessness before inevitable phenomena. The other source of violent death is that which comes from the tecnologico-agresivo component of men, or their alleged negligence in the use and abuse of new techniques and procedures. It can be said that human life against the consequences of the industrial and technological development support with resignation, unacceptable costs. The dramatic list of deaths and disabilities in accidents of circulation is a proof of the enormous disproportion between costs and development to which we made reference. You can say that there is no scientific improvement that does not come accompanied by an inseparable servitude with regard to risk.
Up to own medicine, where, instruments and technical procedures to save lives come from the arm of a dangerous and growing series of specifications of risk. The victims of negligence come, mostly neglect under those circumstances. The career of scientific progress has failed to leave far behind measures of security, prevention and protective technology. On the other hand it happens, that not all countries met with equal interest to the need to move forward in a balanced way, i.e. ensure a growth accompanied by prevention. International competition makes many countries wishing to shorten distances to do so based on the sacrifice of the security chapter. The competitiveness of an increasingly unforgiving global market, is causing that certain activities such as fishing, mining, construction, metallurgy, etc., constitute sources of high professional risk, as this is demonstrated by the high number of deaths in accidents at work in them registered.
We are faced with a struggle in which the fate of humanity is at stake. Because, or reestablish the balance between moral progress and material, between social and economic progress, between technology and prevention, or we will be swallowed up by the machine created by our intellect, to enhance and prolong life. Therefore, we believe that this slogan of the World Health Organization (who) about the fragility of life and the rejection of violence and negligence, deserves more than a simple reflection. Not in vain, the poet said: because we know that the soul / falls when asleep / wake up in another dream / which will not be in this life. Francisco Arias Solis the importance of peoples must not be measured by the square kilometers, but by the culture and the illustration of its inhabitants. Health and freedom. (Phrase, Fermin Salvochea Muse in the book: 102 reasons to remind Salvochea) Portal of Internet for peace and freedom and free forum.
§ May 4th, 2013 § Filed under General § Tagged today Comments Off on Quitapesares Tavern
Sorry for having to give this news, but unfortunately we have to announce that Pepe Peregil has died today in Seville. Jose Maria Perez Blanco, better known as Pepe Peregil, died today at age 67 after a long illness. The pieces has been one of the most illustrious saeteros of Seville and had one of the city’s more traditional taverns. His State of health had worsened a week ago and has died in the Virgen del Rocio Hospital surrounded by his own. Pepe Peregil has also been performer of sevillanas, having recorded several albums and achieved numerous successes with songs like pata negra or combebencia, among others. Profession tabernero, and more noteworthy as a flamenco singer, Pepe Peregil highlighted simply as a good person and a great man, as well as his sympathy and generosity. Pepe Peregil was born in Manzanilla (Huelva) the year 1945, but it is not famous for the place where he was born, but by his long and extensive musical career. He began his musical career by winning a contest organized by Cadena SER in 1970, recording their first album titled Flamenco 70 From there the contests won, were multiple highlighting the arrow of gold and that each year makes boast of well-deserved prize, giving away arrows by Seville during Holy week. It also had the Medal of the city of Seville, granted in 2009. In recent years he collaborated with numerous brotherhoods of Seville, but by its relationship with the zone of Santa Catalina, where runs a popular establishment, El his last appearance in a recording has been in the play dear colleagues, Pascual Gonzalez and Cantores de Hispalis, where parsley sings their sevillanas dedicated to the Jamon de pata negra, in addition to appearing on the dvd in your Quitapesares Tavern.