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The Measles

§ March 25th, 2014 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on The Measles

To verify if the students they apply its knowledge about this pathology in its familiar context. To know the way of I infect and the source of infection of the measles, enumerating the signals and symptoms of the pathology. To more identify to which the age and the population affected by this illness. To observe the interest of the students in helping in the awareness of the inhabitants of its quarters or other communities regarding the importance of if taking the vaccine against the measles. 3 JUSTIFICATION the infectious illnesses have devastated the humanity since its primrdios. Traditionally felt for the o man as of strange origin and great threat to its life and the proper race human being, they had been therefore, perceived as a bigger challenge of what the other diseases.

In terms of the great epidemics, its listing in all the historical periods is only enormous, esteem itself that they have caused more deaths that all occured in the somatria of all the wars (TONELLI and FREIRE, 2000 P. 62). Second studies of the UNICEF (1988), in the year of 1987, had died 14 million five year minors in the developing countries, of which 10 millions for causes of infectious illnesses: 5 million for diarricas illnesses, 3 acute million for infection respiratory and 3 million for imunoprevenveis illnesses, as the measles, the ttano and coqueluche. The poverty and the lack of professionals to guide these populations are the main cause of the premature deaths, the precarious health and the unsatisfactory growth of as many children of the world. Thus, this research if makes of great relevance, therefore, the pupils of 5 and 7 semesters of nursing of the FASB need a good formation so that they can be professional qualified and to develop the capacity to intervine in the reality of the minor families purchasing power guiding to adopt measured them it of prevention against the infectious illnesses and consequentemente to improve the quality of life of the same ones.

The Need

§ March 24th, 2014 § Filed under General Comments Off on The Need

Proteins must be between 10 and 15% of the total calories, and should combine proteins of animal and vegetable origin. They should increase intake of fruit and vegetables would say, is trying to consume at least 5 servings per day of these foods. Moderate consumption of sugars simple, such as sweets, sweets and soft drinks. Reduce your salt intake. Drink between one and one and a half litres of water. Very important to drink sgus. Never ignore a healthy breakfast consisting of bread, crackers, cereals, milk and spend between 15 and 20 minutes. In this way, avoided or reducing the need of consuming less nutritious food to mean tomorrow and improves physical and intellectual performance at school.

The food is not a prize, is not a punishment and should not be a relief, the food has its place, its time and its control. Those large responsible for overweight children are the parents, either by errors, you obsessions, or by ignorance and ignorance of the parents, children consume more foods that need, we use much packaged foods, sweets and patisseries. Children should carry a healthy, balanced, fresh diet but without large numbers i.e. without fill the dish and daily physical exercise, which is also very easy to practice for children avoiding repeating a good healthy diet without many calories is very important. Previously there to perform a good warm-up run about 5-10 minutes. The perfect combination to counter child overweight is: healthy eating + exercise. What should not be done is: forcing the child to eat more than what you can.

Reward your child with sweets and other caloric foods. Punishing the child without eating if it presents any unfavorable behavior. Celebrate any event with junk food. Allow the daily consumption of sweets, buns, drinks, offer precooked dishes. Put large amounts of food. Original author and source of the article


§ March 24th, 2014 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Exercises

l First rib: Releases, bodybuilding. l Rest of ribs: Remo (kick movements: muscle contraction). Pars interarticularis l Gymnastics, ballet, volleyball (sports with hyperextension of the spine, with rotation and loads), pitching cricket, diving. pubic l Branches: wheelers, ballet, female soldiers in ancient times. l Femur (neck): innkeepers, jumps, ballet. l Femur (shaft): distance runners. l Tibia: Race, ballet.

l medial malleolus: Basketball, brokers. l Fibula: Brokers, aerobics, ballet. l Calcaneus: walkers (with support on the heel). l Astragalus: pole vaulter. l Scaphoid: sprinters, middle distance runners, hurdlers, jumpers, football … l Metatarsal in general: Race, ballet, running. l Metatarsal (2nd base): Ballet. Metatarsal l (5): Tennis, ballet, basketball.

l Sesamoid: Brokers, ballet, basketball. WHY ARE PRODUCED? The most accepted theory suggests that repeated stress causes a periosteal resorption that exceeds the rate of bone remodeling, cortical weakening until macrofractura occurs. The role of the musculature may be protective or provocative: within limits, protects the bone to prevent bone transmitted to excessive flexor efforts, but beyond these limits, or muscle forces applied in a very violent and repeated forces can exceed the compressive load limit bone resorption causing more rapid periosteal apposition of new bone along the lines of force. This modulation is influenced by nutritional and endocrine factors (related, inter alia, the level of estrogen). A correct adaptive response in bone that efforts are applied in a cyclic, alternating with periods of rest, although the rate of work and rest allowable will depend on the biological status of the athlete.

Great Stress

§ March 18th, 2014 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Great Stress

When a consultant you want is to take a reading of the letters, it is probably because it is experiencing problematic situations, or feel that you need to help you is somehow. These bad times all we presented, may vary in their degree of impact on the emotional life of the person. Sometimes it may be curiosity on a timely topic, for example, when will I find the person I’m looking for, or how go me on my vacation. But on other occasions the situation can you encourage the reading of the letters may be hopeless, with a heavy load of psychic pain. It is in these moments when we feel great stress, and these moments are, paradoxically, in that worst conditions we face to the reading of the letters.

The first condition to attend an efficient reading of letters is presented with open mind and heart, willing to listen to the realities that we will reveal the Tarot reader. If we are engaged in to hear one thing, a single truth, our truth, we will be wasting the opportunity of Learn what is really valuable for us. It is not a smart idea wasted a reading of letters. It should be then free the mind of the concerns, and we approach to consultation with a child’s heart, which astonishes with everything, which is all new, and who listens to everything with a heart full of innocence. Stress does not lead to any benefit, since it is an inadequate response of the body and mind to situations of chronic pain. When something disturbs the individual, it does not suffer and brings unpleasant consequences for a long time, stress arises as a natural reaction of the person. We can find a physiological base for stressful situations in the uncontrolled release of cortisol into the bloodstream. Cortisol is a hormone, naturally present in critical moments, but that if it is kept for a long time can cause physical problems such as heart disease or various psychosomatic diseases.

For this reason, stress is a bad companion, which affects not only our health but our criterion. The reading of the letters must be confronted with a calm mindset. Meditation and yoga can be very effective weapons against stress. Thus, we will not only improve our ability to respond to negative situations, but that we can leverage our resources more efficiently, as the reading of the letters. A proper reading of the letters can make a big difference in the life of the consultant. It can give you guidelines to overcome difficult or painful situations, or help you find the resignation when nothing can be done. But the reading of the letters must be received with a mind clear, worry-free. Otherwise we’d be fooling us.

Remove Barriers

§ March 18th, 2014 § Filed under General Comments Off on Remove Barriers

Someone has enjoyed every thing that exists on the planet already. Someone has reached it. Anything that looks like mansions, cars, beautiful relationships and everything else someone so enjoys. In his books Corentt writes that his thinking should be: If one can, I also. If someone else can, you also. No matter what, everything is at your fingertips. No doubt that when you want to achieve something, merely observe the magnitude of that can deter it.

There are things so distant from our current state which seem impossible to achieve. It is clear that always headed the mediocre: resign themselves to life that leads. Accept that there are things that are out of his reach. The majority of people accept the path of mediocrity. It is not that I walk of mediocrity is bad. Mediocrity becomes tolerable and with time comes to become comfortable and pleasant. Most of people are that they can be happy with what they are, although they never achieved what they wanted. The problem that has mediocrity is that you can’t push people the development and use of its capabilities.

A mediocre person tries to lead the current life as best as possible and stays there, stranded in his thoughts. A person of excellence, accepts life that has in a wise way, knowing that the created that life. Enjoy that life because he knows that it is his creation and enjoy more knowing that their actions are what create your life. A person of excellence knows that it can alter his life by Yes itself and is happy doing actions to obtain anything they want. A person of excellence knows that if today is in bankruptcy, this is your responsibility and not that of the Government, private enterprise, or terrorists. A person of excellence know that everything can change and not resigns to be mediocre. On the contrary, he always aspires to the best, accepts only the best and always gives the best. A person thus knows that what separates out the mediocre people of excellence is a strong desire by is better with respect to whether same. A person of excellence knows that when the desire for something increases, no matter what, that thing is coming increasingly, as the desire grows. Yes book I am happy, I am rich, Andrew Corentt says that desire knows no borders, no known difficulties or barriers. Corentt writes that nothing can resist a desire that has grown to become part of the essence of a person. If you want to improve your health, if you want riches in abundance, if you want success, if you want to find love, if you want to improve their relationships, if you want to get anything in this world or another, the secret is that you should increase your desire for that thing. Many people speak of the law of attraction, Corentt goes far beyond and show you the truth about the functioning of the mechanisms of the subconscious mind to create your life as you wish. Wealth can not resist to you, if you want to really. Success will be your companion if you want really. Do not know how to wish to the point that everything materializes in his life in an orderly manner? I am happy, I am rich, Corentt shows you powerful techniques to bring your desire to a decisive point in the process of attraction. Always keep in mind that you are a powerful and wonderful person. And it is your right to obtain anything they want.

The Accent

§ March 16th, 2014 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on The Accent

It is to see them as one opportunity for growth and evolution, rather than seeing them as a revelation. Promptly, what is the role of the family in the expression of positive emotions? Kids absorb like sponges the emotional climate that can express themselves at home. If we show them by example that we nurture positive emotions, to measure that is to be developed, they will grow to strengthen and ceasing to be prone to experience negative emotions and will they be generators of positive and optimistic emotional climates. Do can teach you a child to be happy? We can teach how you to be happy if we recognize that we are the mirror where look at y: generate within the family a favorable emotional climate we recognize and adequately express our emotional States find opportunities amid the difficulty left strengthened in adverse circumstances we practice the expansive smile and good mood we can see that the negative is nothing more than a part of existence we implement strategies to enhance family welfare We look with optimism that exists in our around put in words the feelings we maintain hope even in difficult situations we cultivate the values and virtues we promote positive emotions such as joy, love, humor, hope, among others favour a climate of containment stimulated the capacity to be happy Express with clear messages our love towards him respect emotions walk it through affection not humillamos love him just for being our son We set No limits what we sobreprotegemos appreciate their strengths show you that mistakes are a learning opportunity are confident in their ability to resolve difficulties put the accent on their capabilities, not on the shortcomings we show them that adversities are temporary before dismissing me I leave you a question: isn’t this more time to learn and teach your child to be happy? Original author and source of the article..


§ March 11th, 2014 § Filed under General Comments Off on Valencia

Last Monday, in full may, it dawned on a cool and rainy day in Valencia. Of those who seem to have mistaken station to remind us of a winter just ended we all want to forget but that, without asking, in less than a year we will visit. It is in this type of days when find me it easier the analyze emotionally what happens and surrounds, winning in sense and sensibility (Jane Austen only could be British!). Walking in the rain, he remembered the recently concluded Coaching session where the Manager of a well-known company of services had moved me its concern by the progressive deterioration that was noticing in the working relationship with his wife (work together) because, according to him, the tension that these troubled times of economic difficulty generates in the characters of the leaders and business executives. Installed in the metro and already back home, still engrossed in my tribulations on the real reasons that might explain the situation of my client, when at a station stop came two young people with physical features of Down syndrome. They would have veintipocos years and nobody, accompanied them which intrigued me for the unusual. They wore to fashion and remained silent. At rush hour, full wagon did not offer many possibilities of seat and the only place to view was gallantly ceded by boy to his companion, very blonde and slightly higher than the.

As they wore no umbrella, their clothes and wet hair I was informed of a long journey to foot to that station. Without attempting to observe more than what decorum imposed, cost me take my eyes of these young people, different Yes, but at the same time as normal in their behavior that still intriguing me more. And suddenly, step I had the privilege of contemplating one of the most true and tender scenes that long had seen in real life (in the Opera, many times, no doubt) and step unnoticed for the rest of the passage, as absent as ignorant of the emotional gift that was happening. Boy, with delicate care and that thoroughness hesitant only of Down syndrome are capable of displaying (know very well, because I have an adorable niece who was born as well), it was withdrawing exquisitely face the hairy wet strands covering her eyes, again drawing that lost bangs, hair to hair, before the sweet and already fully blue eyes of the girl. I could not contain my excitement!. I soon realized that the lessons not to those who want to but which can give them and that my client, having been there, I would have discovered without more help mia the real reason for their concern.

World Wide Web

§ March 5th, 2014 § Filed under General Comments Off on World Wide Web

National law 24.421. Vehicles belonging to persons with disabilities are exempt from the tariff tariff corresponding to the cost of the vehicle technical verification. The person applying for the exemption must possess the certificate of disability, certified by the competent authority, document be owner of the automobile, the benefit is for a single unit. The legal framework established in the laws of transit, and governed by different regulations provincial, which specifies that all vehicle intended for use via the public is subject to a revised technical. People with disabilities that you gather specific requirements, may request exemption from payment, contributions of lighting, sweeping and cleaning, Territorial, pavement and sidewalks (in this case, the ABL and/or Municipal tax) for this purpose, disability certified by the competent health authority, possess the disability certificate, document being an owner, condominium, usufructuary must be accredited or beneficiary of the right of use of a single propertydestined for home ownership and deal with it effectively property, inspection in situ of the property of the owner, is a socio-economic report of style, for the study of the corresponding exemption, in the case that appropriate, should likewise not be domain owner or condominium of one or more other urban or rural properties within the national territory, the valuation of the exemption is repelled and they determine the Tax Ordinance in force or the / s law is Tarifaria force, according to the Provincial district where the exemption is requested. First national awareness campaign on the dissemination and awareness of the legitimate rights of persons with disabilities of the Republic Argentina for the Internet and the World Wide Web.

This campaign has the sponsorship of the Association new thresholds in the orientation of the Argentina Republic disabled. (A.U.N.O.DI.R.A.) and the sponsorship of the Municipal Council for people with special needs. This e-mail is sent in accordance with the authorization of law Argentina 26.032, only for information and dissemination purposes, if they consider it correct cooperate sponsoring its dissemination. Posted by: Luis Liendro reference Site Web updated 2006: Original author and source of the article