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§ January 13th, 2016 § Filed under General § Tagged education Comments Off on Physical Education
The physical education is placed, for a good quality of the 8 life of children or pupils, is that these lessons only are not pautadas for only the ability and abilities, corporal harms yes to direct them of the sports inside, fights, gymnasticses, expressions, afetivosocial, cognitivo, psicomotor development and reduction of estresse and enters this moment to show the importance of the practical one of the practical one of physical activities and becoming its health as form of pedagogical biological and didactic support (GUEDES, 1997). Beyond, of the determinative factors for qualification of health and of the life of the people, we have as legal base for the protection of the individuals, the article of the federative constitution of Brazil, that for its regimen, it directs for the Brazilian society the possibility of an order of health for all. That it is determinative factor for a good one or not of a life of quality for the Brazilians. Article 196 affirms that: The health is right of all and to have of the state, guaranteed by means of social and economic politics that aim at the reduction of the risk of illness and other agravos and to the universal and igualitrio access the actions and services for its promotion protection and recovery. (BRAZIL, 1988? 2010, p.54). This presents the duty and objective of the state in guaranteeing by means of the social and economic strategies the attendance to also form the reduction of risk of illnesses and as well as other tragedies as epidemics, basic lack of sanitation of the streets of the communities, of establishments of public and private health. If these not to take care of had also lost to be responsible for the collective conditions of the quality of life of the people. 2.2 The quality of life as individual factors. In the countries industrialized the children the ones are that more suffer with the obesidade, causing diverse problems as the depression, anxiety, that they are condicionantes factors to determine its social ability, as well as of adolescents and adults.
§ January 9th, 2016 § Filed under General § Tagged health and beauty Comments Off on Alimentary Supplements
Today we will speak on Alimentary Supplements. You already know some product that is considered alimentary supplement? You have seen as the market of alimentary supplements has grown in web? One of the virtual store of this branch that more call the attention in web is Athletical the Supplements: . Ours relationship politics always aims at the customer in first place. We place its disposal a modern system of sales, beyond a service of innovative attendance. This leaves a direct communication between the customer and Athletical the Supplements. We work with the most varied marks, the best plants. They are products of quality and with excellent price. Athletical the Supplements are a website directed toward people who have desire to have a body in form.
We supply athlete, gymnasts, fighters, etc. That is, any person whom it desires to work its body. We make use of: (Hipercalricos and Protenas? Energy Whey Protein), emagrecedores, repositores, amongst other categories. Our design is to vender health to our customers. Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes will not settle for partial explanations. However, making use of an immense gamma of products. with well competitive prices.
Our Values Our form of internal work is empolgante and innovative. More generating and more return in the attendance. Focamos the work in team with a clear communication and needs. We always have a quality philosophy, placing the customer in first place. Security Purchase 100% insurance? To guarantee an operation 100% insurance, the data of its purchase are criptografados. We use the criptografia, that codifies the confidential information, pair that no person can have access to the data. All the data, of all the transactions in our store, are codified. Its privacy is guaranteed We takes care of intelligently of our data base. The information that we collect are basic information. This will only serve for the sending of the merchandise and to enter in contact in case that it has some problem. The contact data are only used if we to need to enter in contact with some customer. Credit card: Security the Pagseguro has been ours partner. All the transactions are assured by one of the biggest suppliers of Brazil. We have an environment of safe navigation through. The protocol leaves a bigger security in the transactions. All the data alone can be read by the administrator of its card. It is not possible that one human being comes to have access to these data.
§ January 8th, 2016 § Filed under General § Tagged right Comments Off on Independence
An arrogant attitude, one has lain self-centered or egoistic, that judges that the world daily or, all in the world are working for it to cause problems, and that its happiness and peace had been stolen by the behavior of they outrem must give place more to a thought brando and calm, that really leads to the understanding. in this state of clarividncia, looks the solution, it will come, because the solution has name: active and partilhada life. God remembers always says yes, and says yes what you believe. On the other hand, I want to ask for license to show an image to it: You imagine who to each that you say daily do not represent one pedrinha that she goes being deposited to its return. Not taste of fish, cod, shrimp, sardine; not taste and violent, delayed, legendado film; not taste of racket, rock, baio, mpb; not taste of gil, carrot; not taste of cold, sun, strong wind; taste not to take remedy, to make gymnastics, to walk; taste not to read. Its relation makes you yourselves, but it uses at least one week to find a small sample of the amount of nos that you accumulate to its return. You construct one you circulate unsurmountable of nos, wanting with this to demonstrate its independence and its strong personality one I circulate infindvel of ' ' not taste, I do not want, I cannot! that after all you for all surround the sides, leaving only few possibilities of any person to penetrate in this I circulate and to coexist harmonic, with you. Independence is plus a question to produce its sustenance and its condition of life with its proper work; strong personality is more to dominate its body of vices and harmful attitudes, that can harm the life of other people. The healthy convivncia in harmony with the nature imposes in them to accept and to try all the wealth and nuances that the life in offers to them goes there, – what is the least eventually, because to limit itself? The barrier created for no systematic affects its life negative.
§ January 6th, 2016 § Filed under General § Tagged travel, Travel Tips Comments Off on Majestic China
Incredible and interesting oriental country China attracts hundreds of years staring eyes of artists and scholars, archaeologists, biologists, government officials and ordinary tourists. The huge and diverse country has a long history, which was all that accompanies any ancient state – a lot of battles and conquests, discoveries and findings. Very interesting people inhabit this Asian country with the largest working and innovative potential. Anyone who goes to the capital of China – Beijing, once remarked how amazingly workable Chinese. They always move somewhere else, like bees in a huge beehive. Beijing may be quietly call the capital of a bike.
Ordinary people prefer this type of urban transport, so the roads of the city to create something amazing. Early on a sunny morning, when somewhere in the distant Moscow or Rostov had not yet meet a man on the street in Beijing the green areas and parks are actively involved in gymnastics ordinary Beijingers. Age framework does not exist – do everything from small to large. Slow motion and plastic body parts beautiful and graceful movements in deep positions immediately rise from the depths of the subconscious memories of frames from movies about Chinese kungfu masters. Present, a beautiful Beijing was a huge conglomeration of roads and interchanges. Big traffic flows moving in fast ground and suspended routes of the city. We got to the clouds of glass skyscrapers, leave a lasting impression and give the city a large modern greatness metropolis. Beijing has kept current, and another, more interesting for visitors to the country now.
A lot of ancient streets, which still stand little houses bizarre, with roofs of bright colors. Long Trade Moscow street like the old Arbat – completely filled with trade stalls and shops, where anyone can buy a piece of China. An interesting old dishes for every taste, souvenirs, textiles, jade statues, vases, old wooden and porcelain dolls and much more. Nearly every tourist buys a souvenir stalls in the local statue of the Buddha, in order to then return home to show off your journey his comrades and friends. Of particular value is a natural Chinese porcelain, which is known worldwide for its amazing quality and beauty of old times. The grandeur and beauty of China will not leave indifferent, who will visit here and be sure to put a man desire to ever return here again. Not for nothing, this country is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Asia.