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Change Reason

§ September 25th, 2017 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Change Reason

Current results of the M + M of insurance barometer reports 2013 virginity on the record-breaking billion surplus in the Fund. Was at the beginning of the year by the Government coalition already the final abolition of the practice fee for statutory health insurance insured decided been is loud about the possible further use / misuse of the surplus now thinking. So writes Rolf Stuppardt, editor of the magazine world of health insurance, that from the side of politics the question is discussed what we have because at the moment so well-stocked welfare funds especially in the statutory health insurance? “.” Some here see the opportunity to balance the federal budget and to stabilize, allowing unusually well placed just before the election. The pharmaceutical industry also sees the chance to adjust prices in their favor billion surpluses. But what favor insurance, which paid contributions have contributed to the surplus? We are insured barometer in the M + M 2013 this question investigated. The vast majority of respondents is for the retention of surpluses in the health insurance system. 37.8% would invest the surpluses in the improvement of health care (E.g. pension offers, fitness courses, alternative medicine) and 25.2% find it useful to improve the medical care in rural areas.

Only 16.0% prefer a withdrawal in the form of premiums to the members. Also a BKK comes to similar results survey from the June / July 2012. Here too, the majority (74%) for the surplus remaining expressed in the statutory health insurance system. Only 20% were for cash. But premium payments could be used for the production of new insured? The effect of such premium payments would be very limited, because it would be only for every 10 respondents a possible reason of change of, when his fund would pay off in general no such reward him. However, the policy vehemently urged the statutory health insurance for some time, Premiums to pay.