§ May 26th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged medicine, Plastic Surgery Comments Off on Aging Process
But it does not block the action of free radicals and the reducing effect is not provided and stimulation of metabolic processes. But at the heart of the new drug Hyalual (Gialual) is a unique patented formula is a combination of hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate (Sodium succinate). Because of this effect is carried out on all the major pathogenetic mechanisms of aging and reached a powerful integrated anti-age-effect: hyaluronic acid eliminates dehydration skin due to the shortfall of water in the tissues, and stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts, increasing synthesis of endogenous hyaluronic acid. As a result, maintain normal hydration and skin tone; sodium succinate provides a powerful antioxidant and restorative effects, effectively blocks the free radicals, provides the effect on metabolic processes in the skin increases cellular respiration, ion transport, protein synthesis and a strong stimulation of energy production (ATP), which determines its high efficiency in the reconstruction of cells, increase skin elasticity, tone, color and texture of the normalization of the person eliminate signs of aging and fatigue. As a result, implementing a highly effective approach to rejuvenation and slowing the aging process of skin – by the maximum moisture, ensuring antioxidant and restorative effects, effectively blocking the free radicals, positive impact on the metabolic processes of the skin, etc. Indications for use of the drug reduction skin tone face, neck, neck due to aging; periorbital wrinkles and perioral area; more wrinkles (folds) between the eyebrows, nasolabial folds; dehydrated skin; dry, decaying skin; periorbital dark circles zone, hyperpigmentation; ptosis of soft tissues.
§ May 13th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged sports Comments Off on Start Training Next Week
Scott Gilfoyd: When Ricky Hatton is going to go? It is time to retire. I do not want to offend the British fans, but I think it's time to carry out Hatton in the pasture. The guy had his successes, met with a handful of decent opponents and a ton of easy fights, that would add to your record, but I think that Hatton has to hang up his gloves once and for all. In Hutton's never been a strong chin. Look at it fight against Vince Phillips six years ago in 2003, and you'll notice that Hatton was stunned in that fight attacks from the right by Phillips. In Hutton's similar problems have also been in other matches. Hatton has to go because he has finally to test their strength against good opponents and each time suffered a crushing defeat.
There is no doubt Hatton would continue to fill up their record against light fighters, but I think that Ricky wants to continue to receive large fees he received in battle against Mayweather, Tszyu and Pacquiao. Return to the easy opponents, which Hutton has created much of his record, it would probably be undesirable for Hutton at the moment because that his fees will be reduced and he will have to spend fighting mainly in England, against low-level fighters over whom he can still win. I would like to see how Hatton will go, if only because it's better for him. I doubt that Hatton will be able to recover from such losses and continue to win. I think that Hatton and his followers have been deceived by his victories over such withering boxers like Tszyu, Luis Castillo, Joe, Ben Taki and Carlos Mouse, forgetting who actually fought against Hatton. He is the same fighter as before. If Hatton does not want to go back to the fights against light fighters again, he must leave immediately, otherwise he risks to be defeated if met with such boxers as Bradley Holt and Victor Ortiz.