Ads On Facebook

§ February 28th, 2014 § Filed under General Comments Off on Ads On Facebook

This has developed a very attractive proposal for advertising online PPC. The novelty of this proposal is the possibility of including images, unlike Adwords campaigns that allow only text ad (in the normal text ad). However, ads in Facebook tend to be more onerous and Sue one overall budget greater than that of the AdWords campaigns. The effectiveness of a campaign on Facebook and one in AdWords will be different, depending on each case. Experience shows that ads on Facebook tend to yield better results when the target market is a young adolescent population, since this population group spends a good part of their time connected to the portal.

For this reason, you can not expect that all products that are published through Facebook get the same degree of success. Similarly, (especially the playful) viral campaigns focused on the teenage market niche, will normally be much more successful than if a similar approach be used in AdWords. The home page of Facebook to handle the Ad Manager is called campaigns. The provision of the information is very similar to that found in AdWords, information is colonnaded, headed by campaign, State, budget, impressions, percentage of social impressions, clicks, CTR, and cost per click. The definitions are very similar to the of AdWords, with the novelty of that through the percentage of social impressions metric the administrator can view how many friends of the person who clicked on the ad has also prodded the I like button. Thus we will be able to assess the real impact in one community more than the specific tastes of each user. She is clear that this information is very valuable, since this measure reflects quite finished so the social impact (i.e.

within a particular online community) in an advertising campaign. In terms of campaigns on social networks, what the real hidden treasure. In the same way that AdWords campaigns, Facebook also allows to set a daily budget. The difference is that the cost per click is usually much higher. The key question is whether once addressed a campaign of advertising on Facebook will be possible to recover the investment made. Once again, the specific variations are very large. Therefore planning an advertising campaign in Facebook will require a significant amount of preparatory work to determine if the gain from the sale will justify payment of these most important values. In this case the definition of the target market will be of extreme importance. Being a social portal, Facebook allows the administrator a thorough knowledge of the profiles of users, given that the site collects a large amount of personal information from the data that users enter. In terms of performance control, it is very similar to the proposal of the AdWords. The information can be exported in format for Excel worksheet, in order to make the relevant adjustments to achieve the maximum impact of this action of web promotion. In short, the ads on Facebook they can be an excellent way to bring your product to your target market (especially if they are adolescents or young) and allow you to turn, know all the details of your target market. It’s worth promptly analyze each campaign and not leave it aside in their box of tools of Marketing Web. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, you can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to original author and source of the article

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