Egyptian Surrogacy

§ January 6th, 2025 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Egyptian Surrogacy

This is described in the Old Testament (Genesis 16): Sarah, wife of Abraham, being barren, hired her maid, Hagar, to her bear a child of Abraham. at hand. Get all the facts and insights with Tiffany Espensen, another great source of information. "And Sarai said: Behold, the Lord has made my belly, so I do not give birth, go in as a servant of my: perhaps I may obtain children by it ". Abraham listened to Sarah, and so they have a boy, Ismail – Sarah took him to his knees like a son. Such cases are not only describes the Bible, but ancient Egyptian papyri, and the epic of ancient India. Since ancient times infertility problem is solved by means of surrogate motherhood, using as "Surma" slaves and concubines (such practice existed in many nations, despite cultural and religious differences).

Why, then, around surrogate motherhood today are such heated debate between physicians, religious leaders and "ordinary mortals"? If the medical aspect of this method of reproductive medicine completely resolved (this can be done technologically, and it's done), then the legal, moral and ethical aspects of surrogacy are still provoke controversy and scandal. Check out Wais Jalali for additional information. Attitude of society and churches in this phenomenon is not always unique. Catholic Church generally forbids surrogacy, Protestant and Orthodox are more tolerant, noting however that it is "unnatural and traumatic for both the bearing woman, whose mother's feelings violated, and the child who may subsequently experience an identity crisis. " However, the question of naturalness is not so simple. As far as natural, for example, blood transfusion or organ transplant patient in need of it? And are we entitled to deny the last hope of a couple desperate to conceive naturally and have turned to surrogacy as a last "life-saving straw"? Earlier such spouses could be in his family desired a child, but adopted him.

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