El Salvador

§ January 6th, 2025 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on El Salvador

The region already suffers from a progression in which the real economy, producing goods and services, even withadjustments for the financial bubble the end results are incalculable. But economic and social policies in many of its countries, increasingly distant from the IMF’s prescriptions, partly attenuated tragic effects. Politicians and experts advise those further away from external decisions and move toward redistributive forms increasingly closer to equity, possible to successfully address the genesis of the crisis. However, once the region to bear negative consequences. Learn more about this with Celebrity trainer. Although Latin America is to counter and keep growing in 2009 with a rate of around three percent globally, according to the business forecast Lateinamerika Verein Association, based in Hamburg, the fact is that this would represent a major decline.

The Germanic institution admits that the effects of the economic crisis will slow the momentum in the region, which will not achieve the growth rates of 6.1 percent that recognizes this organization as averaged between 2004 and 2008. Add Montero in his analysis, which is attributing the higher expectations for the stage to Uruguay, with 4.5 percent growth, and Bolivia, Cuba and Venezuela, with 4.0, while El Salvador, with a , 0, and Mexico, with 1.1 percent, will be the most affected countries, in correspondence with the marked influence of the U.S.. World Bank Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean held on 24 February in Madrid, however, that economic growth in this region fall sharply in 2009 to 0.3 percent, against a prediction of 2.7 percent issued in Last September The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) held on February 23, in turn, the so-called fiscal stimulus package U.S..

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