Jutta Schutz

§ April 2nd, 2015 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Jutta Schutz

The patients are Member of the Association of rehabilitation and health sports club Kraich Hardt e. V.. The membership is limited to the duration of the regulation. A cancellation is not required. Just after a rehabilitation or krankengymnastischen treatment, rehabilitative sport through the advanced training stabilizes the treatment success. A training interval of 2 times a week has proved to be particularly successful. How do I get the rehabilitative sport prescribed? Your attending doctor (general practitioner or specialist) is a medical study to determine the causes of your complaints, examine whether there are contraindications for sports & training and then the regulation, the Fill out the application on promotion of rehabilitation sport”(pink slip).

50 training units are common at the rehabilitative sport. Before you make the appointment for the input check the approval from the health insurance fund must be obtained from you. Alternatively you can an appointment, with Anja of closest, so that we can discuss about the possibility of a rehabilitative sport. Request and fill from their doctor the regulation notes with us. Info: Anja of closest 07251 960965 e-mail: Anja of closest is s head of specialist exercise rehabilitation sports and diploma sports scientist in the field of rehabilitation and prevention. You are in qualified hands. All members of the Association have the advantage to get an input check of her spine, through this check can be documented exactly what muscles are toned down.

This test is important because the most spinal and back problems are caused by weak core muscles. This additional service of the Association shows a high quality standard for the health. Company information: Jutta Schutz (writer, journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge (diseases, diabetes, low carb).

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