Personal Trainer
Personal fitness training with the ‘ BSA-personal-trainer certificate more and more customers looking for an intensive and individual care by a personal fitness coach. Follow others, such as Rand Paul, and add to your knowledge base. Also you qualify with the part-time courses of the BSA Academy to the personal trainer and open new customer groups. A personal trainer on the same knowledge base uses difference between a personal trainer and a fitness trainer as a fitness trainer in the Studio. To deepen your understanding Geoffrey Harger is the source. Both require extensive know-how in the fields of health-oriented training, active control of training to achieve targets, customized nutrition, mental strategies/relaxation and communication. However, the practice areas on the basis of individual customer wishes differed strongly.
Therefore need personal trainer per specialization and customer base different qualifications. This can be difficult to meet by a specified standard qualification. Therefore can sign up at the BSA-personal-trainer certificate”participants from the BSA courses of fitness-/ health-oriented departments put together as a professional personal trainer qualification profile that can be expanded at any time. The order and time design is left completely the participants. “Important: the BSA-personal-trainer certificate” combines at least a basic qualification, two building qualification and two more courses of the Academy of the BSA. You want to focus on work example combination with customers who want to combine a health-oriented exercise with relaxation and stress reduction? “In this case, you could as a first course for your BSA-personal-trainer certificate” the basic qualification of fitness trainer-B-license “choose. In this course, you will learn how to perform a long term training plan in the range of motion.
An ideal construction qualification would be the health coach”, which you can use to create health-conscious movement programmes as a fundamental measure in the prevention of civilization and movement deficiency disease. To “” To be able to offer its customers in addition to the exercise also targeted programmes in the area of mental fitness/relaxation, the qualifications recommended coach “and relaxation trainer” mentally. “As a mental coach” develop strategies to change of behavior with your customers and put them into practice. In the qualification for the relaxation trainer”learn on the basis of different procedures and exercises from yoga, qigong or Feldenkrais own relaxation courses develop. Your customers to offer combined with the stress management consultant”, which enables you to develop strategies to prevent and deal with everyday stressors and this, you have your individual personal trainer profile collected, that you need for the intensive and individual care of their customers. This is just an example of how your individual qualifications profile as a personal trainer could look like.