Pregnancy Complications
Physiological complications of pregnancy (normal) is considered to be the result of a pregnancy, being in cephalic presentation (final position of the fetus in the uterus by the deadline set approximately 34 – 36 weeks), no complicated by signs of threats interrupt the ongoing 37 – 41 weeks. Pathological (or complicated) can be called a multiple pregnancy, and pregnancy in breech presentation (on these two points obstetrical reporting significantly changed over time, and even now opinions of obstetricians often can not match). Very frequent complications are miscarriage, as well as its perenashivanie (at the mother – placenta – fetus can lead to placental insufficiency, fetal growth retardation, its hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), which is also a deviation from the normal physiological flow pregnancy. Also to factors that could significantly complicate the pregnancy include intrauterine infection and development of immunological incompatibility between the mother's blood and fetal abnormalities by recent years has increased significantly due to the widespread introduction of reproductive technologies such as IVF. Accurate diagnosis is ultrasound. The frequency of complications in multiple pregnancy is significantly higher than in singleton, which does not relate it to the physiological, as previously thought.
The most frequent complications in multiple pregnancies are miscarriages, gestosis, anemia, placental abruption, placental insufficiency. Methods of delivery in twins depend on gestational age, location and condition of the fruit. For Caesarean section is necessary to resort more frequently than in singleton pregnancy. In triple cesarean is considered optimal. Pregnancy breech fetus at delivery in breech adverse outcomes occur in about 5 times higher than in the brain that do not different obstetric hospital is different (from 30% to 70%). To spontaneous birth in the case of breech ended successfully, the size of mother's pelvis must be normal, the child's weight – the average, the age of the mother – The classic triad of symptoms – swelling, the presence of protein in the urine, high blood pressure.