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Psychology Of Gender: The Role Of Men And Women

§ May 6th, 2011 § Filed under General § Tagged , , , Comments Off on Psychology Of Gender: The Role Of Men And Women

The study of psychology, men and women, their difference from each other, has direct relevance not only to themselves, but to society as a whole. Issues related to the particular sex and psychological differences, recent often the most discussed issues in society. The main reason for this is that the role of men and women varies significantly with time. Social psychology of gender – is a huge industry for the study of prejudice, discrimination, social perception, self-reflection, self-esteem, and the concept of social norms and roles. In psychology, the concept of gender – it's just a biological characteristic with which people determine the male and female. Social psychologists believe that the main reasons are the traditional definition of gender and information pressure. The traditional pressure "explains the mechanism in which a person forced to conform to society's expectations, so it was not rejected. Punishment for disobeying sexually roles can be very cruel.

The ruler of Iran, Ayatollah , from 1979 to mid-80s, overturned a law that gave the woman any rights, and sentenced to death more than 20,000 women who did not obey the rules of conduct and dress codes. Fundamentals of social differences can be seen even before birth. For example, the desire of parents and others to know who will be born, boy or girl. Much envy of how the child would be called, what clothes and toys will buy until the child grows. By three years the child is already safe to identify themselves to a male or female gender.