Women and Health

§ March 21st, 2015 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Women and Health

The main difference between this and the physics are that the physical violence involves acts of corporal aggression to the victim, to the step that the psychological one elapses of words, directed gestures, looks it, without necessarily occurring physical contact. (Et HISSES. Al, 2007). In one it searches done in the clinics of attendance in the Center of Reference of the Health of the Woman of the Hospital Byington Pearl, So Paulo (to see TAVARES, DINALVA, 2000), the psychological violence appears as recurrent complaint between the attacked women. The men reach the woman in order to leave it fragilizada, to make to feel itself it humiliated, affecting negative auto-esteem of the same ones. This exactly study points with respect to some resultant effect of this type of violence, that acts many times as form of torture or threat, ' ' prendendo' ' the woman to the violent relation.

As they place ALVIM and SOUZA (2005), the psychological violence is an established concept having as parameter the limits and the convivncia rules, moreover, are a category of difficult violence of being identified by third and also of being denounced, since it does not possess materialidade.SILVA (2007) goes more beyond, indicating that many of the times the psychological violence is not identifiable not even for the victims. The author defends that the violence if initiates of slow and quiet form, that progresses in intensity and consequences, a subtle movement that, many times, is imperceptible in such a way for the aggressor how much for the victim. In turn, ALVIM and SOUZA (2005) except that this type of violence consumes the relations and of in such a way happening again itself, finish if becoming ' ' naturais' ' for the involved ones. It is important to pontuar that the psychological violence cause serious problems of emotional and physical nature and seems to be condition for the deflagration of the physical violence.

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