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§ March 5th, 2014 § Filed under General Comments Off on World Wide Web

National law 24.421. Vehicles belonging to persons with disabilities are exempt from the tariff tariff corresponding to the cost of the vehicle technical verification. The person applying for the exemption must possess the certificate of disability, certified by the competent authority, document be owner of the automobile, the benefit is for a single unit. The legal framework established in the laws of transit, and governed by different regulations provincial, which specifies that all vehicle intended for use via the public is subject to a revised technical. People with disabilities that you gather specific requirements, may request exemption from payment, contributions of lighting, sweeping and cleaning, Territorial, pavement and sidewalks (in this case, the ABL and/or Municipal tax) for this purpose, disability certified by the competent health authority, possess the disability certificate, document being an owner, condominium, usufructuary must be accredited or beneficiary of the right of use of a single propertydestined for home ownership and deal with it effectively property, inspection in situ of the property of the owner, is a socio-economic report of style, for the study of the corresponding exemption, in the case that appropriate, should likewise not be domain owner or condominium of one or more other urban or rural properties within the national territory, the valuation of the exemption is repelled and they determine the Tax Ordinance in force or the / s law is Tarifaria force, according to the Provincial district where the exemption is requested. First national awareness campaign on the dissemination and awareness of the legitimate rights of persons with disabilities of the Republic Argentina for the Internet and the World Wide Web.

This campaign has the sponsorship of the Association new thresholds in the orientation of the Argentina Republic disabled. (A.U.N.O.DI.R.A.) and the sponsorship of the Municipal Council for people with special needs. This e-mail is sent in accordance with the authorization of law Argentina 26.032, only for information and dissemination purposes, if they consider it correct cooperate sponsoring its dissemination. Posted by: Luis Liendro reference Site Web updated 2006: Original author and source of the article

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