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§ January 30th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Syndrome

Demystifying barriers Although the people with syndrome of Asperger to present its proper characteristics, as well as limitations of the social and integrativo aspect, these also are endowed with creativity, intelligence and conditions of living of course in society. 26 However, ahead of this perspective, it is necessary that the family is duly cliente of its paper, where the form to understand this deficiency must be sufficiently clear so that the child is understood in all its necessities, you distress, fears, unreliabilities, that intervene in singular way, the life of aspergers. In this direction, the precocious diagnosis is very important so that the family can help its son of the best possible form, but nor always this is of easy agreement, therefore many times can be confused with another deficiency. Thus, ahead of this picture, we can to say that Syndrome of Asperger is deficiency that in itself brings characteristics that can to influence in reduction of interaction social, since asperger it has difficulty to relate, what it does not hinder that the family can help in the direction to train, so to speak, this aspect in its son, with the aid of professionals of the area.

During many years and through successive studies, however, the SA comes being analyzed for studious of the area and acquired, throughout the years, similarity with the autismo, but differentiating in the aspects communication, social interaction and language, what a son with the SA also makes it difficult the vision of the family when receiving. We know how much family is difficult it to face the difficulties that turn around the son with SA, but with the devotion, the dedicated affection and love, all the barriers are diminished in relation to the treatment with asperger, therefore this must be treated as a person with possibilities and capacities beyond its deficiency. So that the difficulties of asperger are diminished, it is necessary that all its relations can be established of course, with the understanding of that as much the family how much the school and the society as a whole can of course respect, accept and include asperger in the social life, where its rights can be equally guaranteed and be respected in relation the people who do not have the deficiency.


§ September 20th, 2012 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Parkinson

' You have seen a man precipitated in speech? Bigger hope has for a fool of what for ele.' ' (Sayings 29,20) ' ' The emptiness created by the incapacity of if communicating quickly is filled by poison, nonsenses and falsidades.' ' (Northcote Parkinson) You already if saw talking with somebody and this person seemed not to be giving the minimum importance for what you were trying to communicate it? You already committed as I, the indelicadeza to have somebody saying with you, and you to partially ignore, despite, the message that was being transmitted, because it was in the Internet? Seeing TV? Reading a book? Or still, making any another thing, that at that moment, found more important of what stopping to hear? You already had the displeasure to give to a message somebody to relay what you asked for and later being knowing that the message was modified, arrived at the different addressee of what you sent or still had until a quarrel because of it, everything because its speaks badly was interpreted? Problems as these, if they multiply every day, between the people. The world that we live uses and abuses the communications. We can speak today, to the living creature with people who are of the other side of the globe for video conferences, where subjects of the highest importance are treated and solved problems, without I inside take off the foot of of my house or company. In technology substance, never we advance in such a way in the process of communication, radio, TV, periodical, magazine, email, to twiter, blog, site, transmission saw satellite, at last, the forms of if to communicate if they had multiplied, however I have observed that in day-by-day, our interpersonal communication, the times goes of badly most worse. Marriages are desfeitos, the index of divorces grow frightfully, partnerships and societies are insults, friends leave of if to speak, companies lose billions in resignations because collaborating if they misunderstand between itself and they abandon the corporation for difficulties of if to communicate with heads and arrogant and presumptuous controlling that if find owners of the reason and do not stop stop to hear critical claims and of sobordinates, wars and battles they are stopped with social, religious or geographic balance of millions of deceased, because the two or most leader ones of nations they had not obtained to arrive at an agreement on definitive vision politics.