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Department Insects

§ May 21st, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged , , Comments Off on Department Insects

The gathering of Benicio and insects after sleeping 8 hours straight every day awoke tired. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Center for Environmental Health. The clock hit his routine cry a las 6: 35 leaving exact five minutes to heat the water for coffee. Ten for a shower and five for dressing. Towards the seven passed the group that wore it, religiously, Monday through Friday if there were no roadblocks, to the Center. More precisely to the stop of the July 9, against the monument of Don Quixote.

Benicio had the same name as his father, retired from the Ministry of economy. And his grandfather, although that had known him more by Don. For case, the 2007 Benicio lived in a two room apartment. I had a girlfriend who didn’t still that he move to his bed, and loaded with the peculiar habit of collecting insects. Of all types.

Benicio would have preferred to be biologist or veterinarian, but chose the career of counter. Still remained in doubt which carried with it from 18 as to whether at their 37, had chosen his profession well. Perhaps for this question were allowed some very rare extravagances and trying to hide from his friends: a terrible passion for ants, cockroaches, mites, termites and moths. Benicio not only admired these insects, but it began to true autoinventado worship them. His Department, although clean, was a cradle of cockroaches. And all models including flying. If it appeared a walked by the table, the stopped to observe it. The haunting is that couldn’t stay hours and also took notes. His hobby certainly not tallied much in photography that had hung on one wall of his Office. Maybe to finish convenserse that this had to be your life and not another that did not choose. The portrait was Benicio father with Benicio son cuddled with title in hand. I could still feel the claps of approval from his father and the rejection that simultaneously causes him her life of public accountant.