Constitutional Court
For the day April 28 and there were 42 possible cases of influenza A H1N1, appeared in cities such as Medellin (4 cases) and Cali (7 cases), while in Bogota the number of suspected cases increased to 17. also were under observation in a possible case Fusagasuga, in Villavicencio and two other in Melgar. also reported suspected cases in Barranquilla, Pasto 4 cases, Bucaramanga and Palmira. The first case of personalities of public life until then was the judge Nilson Pinilla, president of the Constitutional Court, who had been in Mexico a few weeks ago and showed symptoms of suspected influenza, for which he was under medical observation. 4
It is noteworthy that the 42 suspected cases recorded until April 28 the day throughout the country, 4 of these were a serious concern for the Government, because these (3 in Bogota and Cartagena 1) met all the characteristics of influenza A H1N1. The three cases were of Mexican citizens Bogota. The samples of these four cases were sent to a laboratory in Atlanta, and it is expected no later than Thursday 30 is the outcome of this procedure. For the day April 29 and will reach the 59 cases under observation, including 10 with features similar to influenza A H1N1, presenting new cases in other cities like Manizales, Tunja, Ibague, Pereira, Monteria and Neiva. The 10 suspected cases were reported in Bogota, Cali, Medellin, Barranquilla, Cartagena and San Andres .
For the day April 30, the number of cases investigated in the laboratory amounted to 12. None of these cases had been confirmed, because in the laboratory in Atlanta has not been given to the Colombian case, for which the Government announced to be making contacts with the WHO to purchase equipment to make the diagnosis in Colombia. 7 The Government also reported the same day throughout the country there were 26 suspected cases coincide largely with the new type A virus H1N1. Authorities in Colombia PAHO warned about the presence of virus in the country, but not confirmed cases of infection so far. On May 1 was the only suspected case out in Cartagena, Bogota while 72 suspected cases reported on in this city (slightly inconsistent with the national figures, which to this day reported 65 suspected cases across the country), the After informed that the District was able to diagnose cases of influenza A H1N1 at least 80 reliability. For their part, from Yopal (Casanare) also reports of new suspected cases, especially one of an athlete who was in Mexico days before participating in a sporting event since his return to the region presents symptoms of influenza A H1N1 suspected . That same day decided to postpone or cancel public events involving people from areas where cases have already been filed AH1N1 flu, such as Mexico, Texas or California, as I quote the secretary of health Bogota, Hector Zambrano. 9
For the May 2, the number of suspected cases analyzed in the laboratory reached 29, divided into ten departments: Antioquia, Atlantico, Bogota DC, Bolivar, Boyaca, Casanare, Meta, Risaralda, Tolima and Valle del Cauca. The evening of the same day confirmed the first case of infection of H1N1 virus in Colombia for a 42-year-old entrepreneur, who hails from Zipaquira and in the last days had come from a conference in Cancun. The Minister of Social Protection, said on the morning of May 3 that the patient is already at home with his family and has been valued by epidemiological experts. Similarly, the minister, accompanied by other health authorities in the country, said that so far ‘we have 210 warnings, 108 suspected cases, one confirmed and four hospitalized. Also notice that at the end of this week and will be able to diagnose cases of H1N1 virus in the country: ‘Upuntil Friday of last week, only five laboratories in the world were able to diagnose the virus. But now what we are doing is to accelerate the process this week to bring ourselves to diagnose. Latest reports show the results of Tamiflu are favorable to the virus’ .
May 4 for the number of suspected cases has soared to 136 across the country, pending the confirmation of new positive cases of the virus.. ‘. 4 possible cases of infection are almost found in Bogota and one more in Zipaquira. Besides suspending classes at a college in Colombia Chia.