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§ May 19th, 2024 § Filed under General Comments Off on Breakwater
Breakwater walls consist of irregular rock blocks, large and multifaceted, uncut form, with a mass of between 300 and 3000 kg. The walls of breakwater have containment or support functions. Contact information is here: Charles Margulis . Each RIPRAP placement is carried out on an individual basis, with specific machinery, so the whole present lower volume of voids as possible, getting high values of the apparent specific gravity of placed rockfill and good stability of the wall. Walls of RIPRAP and types according to their function of slopes and embankments in remove retaining walls: the main determinant which tend to present the walls of decontencion RIPRAP is that they should run on a natural slope or slope in dismount, in which only certain specific actions may be undertaken. The reason for the execution of the wall is often the appearance of the hillside or slope stability problems. Acting isolated or in conjunction with other actions, the retaining wall must provide a level of adequate containment on the road. Stuffed sustaining walls: in general, the breakwater wall is part of one filling that is projected as the new work in its entirety.
The project, therefore, must include both the definition of the breakwater wall and filling, there still a wide range of solutions for the design of the joint type section. Advantages of the walls of placed rockfill ease of drainage through the existing gaps between the breakwaters. Ease of adaptation to differential movements of the terrain, and may admit certain distortions without that the breakwater wall structural damage. Relative ease of integration of the breakwater in the environment, being a natural material. The Geotechnical parameters obtained with the placed RIPRAP are, in general, better than those obtained with poured breakwater system.
§ May 18th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged economy Comments Off on President Rafael Correa
(FTAA) should not be forgotten, as has been published on several occasions, that the nation South America had so far participated as an observer of the Bolivarian forum, which includes Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda. The formalization of their change of status occurs at an extraordinary summit taking place in Venezuela, which marks the 188th anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo, which sealed the independence of this country from the Spanish crown. More information is housed here: Gunnar Peterson. Venezuelan official spokesmen have described the addition of Ecuador as “historic”, while President Rafael Correa highlighted the political importance of the ALBA. bbc. co., in this context indicates that “with the ALBA is being developed an integration scheme which will enhance the comparative advantages of member countries,”
according to Falconi Fander l Ecuadorian foreign minister, who said that the income will give Ecuador “complementarity new options in energy, trade, finance, health cooperation and technology.” Some analysts Ecuadoreans, the numbers do not support this view of material gain through ALBA. Continue to learn more with: Jim Hackett. A recent article in El Comercio noted, moreover, that the economies of all members of the ALBA added (again not including the main promoter) did not reach the key nations on the continent, as Mexico or Argentina. To this must be added a very relevant as it highlights some critics: that the trade between Ecuador and members of the Alternative with the exception of Venezuela, is “emerging”, ie comparatively small. Do not forget according to Professor of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Teodoro Bustamante, countries that make up the mechanism “are economically similar, hence little complementary.” That is, produce more or less the same and therefore have little to be bought and sold each other..
§ May 16th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged health, medicine & surgery Comments Off on Green Miracle
Small algae, large effect for the melting Hutter village health, there are many dietary supplements on the market, which all promise to provide the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Is it a special dietary supplement Spirulina: A small, blue-green algae that grows in tropical Lakes. There are really no foods that contains a similar load of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and essential amino acids such as Spirulina. Sylvia Poth says: what is special about Spirulina is that it is a pure natural product and contains also all substances in their natural composition differently than the usual nutritional supplements, they are artificially composed. In the research was found out, that the body can utilize substances from natural compounds much better than if they were isolated on artificial means.” Jessica Hund continues: a few tablets of spirulina cover the entire daily requirement of many important vitamins, Mieralien and trace elements such as E.g. Katie Greene understands that this is vital information.
beta carotene, B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium, calcium and many more. Spirulina also supplies the body with many essential amino acids, which are important building blocks of the body. Only, the concentration of the iodine has is quite low in Spirulina, because it is not a seaweed.” Sylvia Poth supplemented: but Spirulina is far more than a simple dietary supplement. The small algae increases not only the general well-being, but can effectively boost the immune system and offer important protection against infectious diseases such as colds or flu. Also Spirulina can affect positively on many diseases such as skin diseases, inflammations and allergies. Since the micro-algae is very basic, the body can protect their possible consequences such as gout acidification.” Jessica Hund says: last but not least is Spirulina purifying and detoxing the body and can be used by stored waste, environmental toxins and even Free heavy metals. Therefore, it may be that at the beginning of the application slight detoxification symptoms occur such as headache or diarrhea.
But these are harmless and subside after a few days back. Spirulina has no side effects and is thus in principle without taking risk. The application of spirulina is very simple: taking the pills swallowed with some swallowing water. You be taken closest to the meals, so that all nutrients can be optimally absorbed by the body.” Sylvia Poth added: If you want to increase only his well-being with Spirulina and populate its vital substance budget, approximately 7-15 tablets throughout the day with meals are ideal. To stimulate the self-healing in diseases, 30 tablets per day are recommended. However the application should be denied to the security with the attending physician.”
§ May 15th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged health and beauty Comments Off on Intensive Care Unit
Story of personal experience in project of humanizao carried through with familiar of customers hospitalized in the unit of personal therapy intensivReport of experience in project carried out with the family humanization to customer hospitalized in intensive care unit. To sound, Appeared Sueli Da Silva *RESUMOEste study had as objective to carry through a story of personal experience in project of humanizao with familiar of customers hospitalized in the unit of intensive therapy. Aspects related to the care of nursing had contributed for the humanizao in UTI, as the privacy of the patient, the personalization of the attendance, the preparation for the surgery and the visit of familiar. The study one is about a story of experience developed in the UTI of a hospital of average situated transport in the city of Cubato, carried through for a team of composed Nursing for 01 nurse, a psychologist and one technique of nursing initiated in August of 2009. The results show the satisfaction of the familiar ones, recognizing the benefits for the patients, had increase of security minimizao of the anxiety. The study it concluded that the team contributes of positive form with the one best one of life to the familiar ones taken care of in this hospital institution. Words Key: Story of Experience, Nursing, UTI, Familiar.
ABSTRACTThis study aimed you make report of personal experience in humanization project with the families of hospitalized patients in the intensive care unit. Aspects related you nursing care contributed you the humanization of the ICU, such patient privacy, personalization of care, preparation will be surgery and family visits. The study it is an experience developed in the ICU located in the City of Cubato, performed by nursing team consists of 01 nurses, psychologist and nurse technician started in August 2009. The results show the satisfaction of family members, recognizing the benefits will be patients, increased security and minimizing impatient. .
§ May 12th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged auto & moto Comments Off on Vyshgorodsky Road
Drove a lot, but the need for water or take a margin or walk a mile to the camp. Entrances to the site – rammed a primer, so that we can not be afraid to get stuck, but a lot of roots. After this heavenly place the road begins to deteriorate rapidly, turns become sharper and closure: bush vegetation rushing straight on the road. And for us, just a joy – we're pretty ruthlessly take turns, loading test tires Kumho. At a pressure of 2.2 atmosphere KU31 fairly resilient, with if in turn flies in the pothole, you can feel the shift of the trajectory of the front axle. Gunnar Peterson may find this interesting as well. However, it quickly corrected – side load Ecsta well tolerated.
30-kilometer zone from Vyshgorodsky dam is marked by mortar attack – there is no road, there are only a plane for potholes with a diameter up to a meter (!) are better on the slip speed of 120 km per hour – they are shallow, but very shaken. After this check we had to turn left to the hills. Bridgehead 4: Paradise on a precipice – 34,2 km This is where you begin a new terrain. Sandy beach ends cliffs of varying heights, and this place is very suitable for going small company, which is inclined to contemplation. Designated Tent enough, but to look for a clean spot on the anthills. Landlocked in the form of the opening in the sandy cliff. But swimming here is best: the bottom is excellent and has a depth.
How the use of a heat pump halved heating costs all year again: short before the winter months many energy providers announce higher gas costs. The gas price development knows only one direction upwards. Before the temperatures drop, consumers are looking for alternatives, to save on heating costs. Who would like to halve them, should rely on a heat pump. He comes around 3.5 million households are costly to next winter.
A quarter of all energy suppliers increased gas costs by an average of 11 percent in the next few months. The extra cost then amounted to less than 140 euros (source: Verivox). Who wants to save on heating costs this year, should jump on the expected wave of change. Those who want to cut their heating costs, do not pass a heat pump. You supplies the home heat from renewable energy sources and disconnects to the homeowner by the expensive energy supplier. Thus, there is no gas price increase, but a House of full of pleasant and environmentally-friendly heating for heat pump owner. The ever energy group advises all interested parties free of charge via energy-efficient heat pumps and also create an individual heating concept. Save heating costs: a level turn down no heat pump who buys himself this winter, can still save heating costs.
The ventilation habits are important. Instead of constantly tipped Windows should open the window four times a day for ten minutes and making the heating. You can lower the temperature of the room during his absence, and in the night. Who reduced only by one degree saves already six per cent of the energy and gas costs. But beware – unscrew completely not worth it. “Only cooled the apartment, heating consumes much more energy than when they constantly over a low flame” goes through. In addition, less than 16 degrees is not recommended because otherwise mold can form and the health burden. Refer to for more tips.
The highlight is, if we read with attention the parable of Luke 12 16-21 find elements that show correct steps in the material world to find wealth, but definitely those steps should make us spiritual protection. If our prosperity will not be cause of our destruction, we must not mistake the way and worship the blessing and not to the Bendecidor, when you start a business or financial project you must: believe that God wants it to prosper in everything. Do participate to God of what you want to plan and get to be generous in the time of need to others sow plenty in the works of Dios No is it recommended I is what teaches the word of Dios Lucas 12 16-21 says: 13Le said one of the crowd: teacher, tell my brother that split the inheritance with me. 14Mas said to him: man, who has put me on you as a judge or log splitter? 15And he said to them: look, and beware of all greed; for the man’s life does not consist in the abundance of goods which owns. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Tiffany Espensen on most websites. 16Tambien referred them one parable, saying: the inheritance of a rich man had produced much.
17And he thought within himself, saying: what can do, because I have no where to store my fruits? Itwondered said: this will I do: I derribare my barns, and will build them higher, and there keep all my fruits and my goods; 19y will say to my soul: soul, many goods have saved for many years; stand for you, come, baby, rejoice. 20Pero God said: fool, this night come to ask you for your soul; and what you’ve provided, of who will be? 21Asi is what makes for Yes treasure, and is not rich toward God. Well that things right made the rich to obtain economic prosperity..