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§ January 30th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged [** Comments Off on Syndrome
Demystifying barriers Although the people with syndrome of Asperger to present its proper characteristics, as well as limitations of the social and integrativo aspect, these also are endowed with creativity, intelligence and conditions of living of course in society. 26 However, ahead of this perspective, it is necessary that the family is duly cliente of its paper, where the form to understand this deficiency must be sufficiently clear so that the child is understood in all its necessities, you distress, fears, unreliabilities, that intervene in singular way, the life of aspergers. In this direction, the precocious diagnosis is very important so that the family can help its son of the best possible form, but nor always this is of easy agreement, therefore many times can be confused with another deficiency. Thus, ahead of this picture, we can to say that Syndrome of Asperger is deficiency that in itself brings characteristics that can to influence in reduction of interaction social, since asperger it has difficulty to relate, what it does not hinder that the family can help in the direction to train, so to speak, this aspect in its son, with the aid of professionals of the area.
During many years and through successive studies, however, the SA comes being analyzed for studious of the area and acquired, throughout the years, similarity with the autismo, but differentiating in the aspects communication, social interaction and language, what a son with the SA also makes it difficult the vision of the family when receiving. We know how much family is difficult it to face the difficulties that turn around the son with SA, but with the devotion, the dedicated affection and love, all the barriers are diminished in relation to the treatment with asperger, therefore this must be treated as a person with possibilities and capacities beyond its deficiency. So that the difficulties of asperger are diminished, it is necessary that all its relations can be established of course, with the understanding of that as much the family how much the school and the society as a whole can of course respect, accept and include asperger in the social life, where its rights can be equally guaranteed and be respected in relation the people who do not have the deficiency.
§ January 28th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged informatics Comments Off on Managed Telepresence
Asia Pacific Land MRCB, Cisco and Datacraft announced a partnership to transform the KL Sentral Park district of Kuala Lumpur into an intelligent and sustainable urban center in Malaysia. Cisco and the municipal government of Chongqing (China) signed a memorandum of understanding outlining a strategic relationship to advance IT manufacturing, promoting green technology innovation and develop solutions Smart & Connected Communities. In India, the telecom service provider Bharti Airtel integrated, and Cisco formed a strategic business alliance to help boost network-based growth of Indian companies. Cisco and Gale International have expanded their relationship on Smart & Connected Communities under development in the Songdo international business district of Korea in order to create a replicable model for cities smart, sustainable future. Telstra in Australia introduced the Aggregation Services Router Cisco ASR 9000 Series as its carrier Ethernet platform for a variety of services of broadband-intensive, content-based.
Emerging Markets: The Turkish Turkcell service provider implemented a joint solution from Cisco and Openet to provide a flexible charging system for mobile data network transmission service general Packet Radio Service (GPRS) from Turkcell. In Mexico, Telefonos de Mexico (TELMEX) launched Managed Telepresence TELMEX, a plan for inter-market services of Cisco TelePresence in Latin America. The Ministry of Information Technology and Communication of Kenya launched the first pilot Pasha Center through Kangundo network with the aim of improving the lives of local citizens and encourage new micro-enterprises. In Argentina, Garrahan Hospital Telemedicine improved their experience with Cisco and Telefonica, with the aim of providing remote support and health services in different provinces of Argentina.
§ January 26th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged food Comments Off on Dieting When Sick
Dietary ensemble must satisfy all nutritional requirements of the entire ensemble of the body, before any of the organs receive adequate nutrition. None of the products, good for muscles, not bad for the nerves or other body. What is good for teeth, good for every body. Products that promote and preserve the beauty of the skin, it is equally useful for the brain. Products that build strong, efficient stomach, just those that strengthens the heart and liver, and kidneys. What's good for one is good for all, that improves one body, improves and everything else.
Body – a single whole, he goes forward or backwards as a whole. Therefore, it should be feed the whole, rather than its individual parts. Products fall into the digestive tract and break down into its constituent nutrients enter the blood in the form of mineral salts, amino acids, sugars, glycerin and water. It is in As such, they circulate in the blood, reaching all the organs and tissues. Blood can sustain a surprising unity of structure and composition, regardless of food eaten.
It is the blood and nourishes the organs. One of the greatest errors high-calorie food concept is that chemical reactions that occur as a result of generally accepted awkward food combinations, so change the nature and value of the components of food, that those who accepts it, never even receive those calories that appear there. The same applies to diets that are developed with an emphasis on vitamins. Due to the existing confusion in the issue of food and stimulate the body, many past mistakes continues to reign in people's minds and affect the common man, as well as to a nutritionist and a doctor.