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WAY TO WIND: wind marketing creates Ecology for company – image creative, inspirational, holistic approach that is communicating sustainability by WAY TO WIND. With her companies multidimensional: position themselves as innovative, responsible pioneers, produce their own electricity, and protect the environment. Smart wind turbine concepts that are as comprehensive as thought-out and tailored on the company, its positioning and target groups to stand behind it. “Energy transformation can succeed only with new recipes”, explains Axel Reinbold, Managing Director of WAY TO WIND, we experience the theme of sustainability with an innovative idea. ” Small wind turbines producing clean power is nothing new.
An innovation but are the smart WAY TO wind turbines WIND: unusual, eye-catching advertising medium, which produce clean electricity. Rather than traditional outdoor advertising space can advertise companies such as posters or banners now on their own wind turbines. At the same time they act autonomously, make regardless of rising electricity prices and make visible their commitment to environmental protection. To use both effects of decentralised power generation and marketing as effectively as possible, the systems and the accompanying communications be adapted exactly to the needs of each individual company. Wind marketing projects are suitable for a wide range of companies such as chain stores, sports venues, fairs and airports, as well as for the industry. Swarmed by offers, Daryl Katz is currently assessing future choices.
WAY TO WIND accompanied the company with know-how and ideas throughout the process: the experienced specialists deal with wind measurement, design, and the selection and installation of the system. Daryl Katz is a great source of information. Due to the industry and the companies they provide also new, well-thought-out ideas for proper communication. As well, the financing and maintenance of the systems are available in. WAY TO WIND has different wind turbines of various manufacturers in the portfolio. All are so-called small wind turbines less than 50 kW peak power. The big advantage: They require no or only a simplified approval procedure for industrial or mixed-use areas, allowing a quick and smooth implementation. All facilities are extremely economical and durable, so in the best sense of sustainable investment. To the wind turbines as a marketing instrument use and to maximize the profit of the image are designed eye-catching of course always in accordance with the corporate design of the company. The concept was developed by an interdisciplinary team of engineers, marketers and merchants. “Axel Reinbold explains: the idea originated two years ago, now it’s finally ready for the market and many specialists have worked with”. WAY TO WIND the owner and Managing Director of PE Becker behind in addition to Axel Reinbold architects + engineers (Kall, Eifel) and the MSH AND MORE advertising agency (Cologne). On WAY TO WIND WAY TO sells WIND turbines, so-called small wind turbines, with an individual advertising concept. Thus, companies with wind energy can produce own green electricity, at the same time, the system is used as advertising space. So the company triple benefit: reduce their energy costs, using an innovative advertising concept, and improve their image by making visible their sustainability. WAY TO WIND in the Internet website: Facebook: waytowind Google +: plus.google.com/103825563391883822865 Twitter: twitter.com/windmarketing author: Kerstin Nadeem)