Beautiful Brown Square

§ February 28th, 2013 § Filed under General § Tagged Comments Off on Beautiful Brown Square

Ahead of the data collected in 16 Battalion of the Military Policy of the year of 2009, and the research made in I lease for the team, evidenced a great number of police occurrences in the city of Serrinha, in special in the Beautiful Brown Square by means of the clipping of the quarter Gymnasium. The used methodology to reach the considered objectives, consisted of the following phases: at a first moment they had been used of secondary sources as bibliographical survey for the revision of literature on the subject in quarrel. Parallel to the bibliographical survey, they had been gotten given together 16 Battalion of the Military Policy that will be represented in language statistical: graphs, pictures amongst others and to collate with gotten information to leave of primary sources as the comment in the field and the diverse agents who make use of the Beautiful Brown Square, as proprietors of snack bars, diverse commercial points, public students and agencies whom if they locate in that square. ESPACIALIZAO OF the URBAN VIOLENCE AND the NECESSITY OF CONCEPTUALIZATION Exist some applicable directions to the word violence and throughout the history etimolgicas of this term it can be perceived magnifyings in I use and its applicability.

Thus being as its homonyms in other Latin languages and until not Latin, violence drift originally of ‘ ‘ violentia’ ‘ , of the Latin, that it meant ‘ ‘ force that if uses against the right and lei’ ‘. Seeing under this prism ‘ ‘ violento’ ‘ he was who acted with impetuous, extreme force, exagerada’ ‘. With passing of the times, violence passed to mean any rupture of the half order or any job of imposing an order. As well as it can be observed, violence, in its etimolgico direction, to the few was come close of the concepts of ‘ ‘ to be able and domination.

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