Extra Education School
While secondary education was destined to the children of the elite, the professionalizing one was reserved for the low classrooms, with daily pay-vocational education the classrooms less favored. However industrial education emphasized the studies technician with the objective to take care of to the interests of the worker, propitiating to it professional preparation and the formation human being (BETTI, 1991). According to Betti, (1991, p.123): Decree 6,141, of 28 of December of 1943, established the bases of the organization of commercial education, giving the purposes to it to form professionals for the commerce, the public affairses and private, as well as promoting its I continue perfectioning. After the end of the New State the Physical Education suffers low one, the Minister of the Education and Health of the government Jose Linhares, adopted measured that it affected this directly disciplines, diminishing of three for two weekly sessions in secondary education, also reducing the duration of each session, beyond leaving isolated the divisions of Physical Education and Extra Education School (BETTI, 1991). With the redemocratizao in the country the popular movements had gained force, the parties politicians tried to place in practical its ideologies. The elaboration appears then of the first LDB, that in the period called LDBEN (Law of Lines of direction and Bases in the National Education) causing thirteen years of debates and disputes around its definition, until being promulgated in 20 of December of 1961 (ZOTTI, 2004). According to Zotti (2004, p.98): The adopted educational politics in this period, according to plain of JK, sped up the education to the necessities of the development, meaning a supervaluation of professionalizing education, not only in average education, but until the elementary school it would have of if compelling? to educate for the work? , atrelando the paper of the school the necessities of the work market. The education system continued so elitist and antidemocratic how much it had been previously..