Leadership Development

§ March 13th, 2024 § Filed under General Comments Off on Leadership Development

The leader needs to identify the real crises, potential crises or major opportunities. The leader must choose which war is going to fight. You can not walk around like Don Quixote de la Mancha, as the hunt for mill appears before their eyes. The leader gets to make the tough decisions that nobody wants to take, involving high risk, that affect the survival of the organization, and that's leader in the organization. But there are many decisions can be delegated to his staff, especially if they have previously been trained and empowered. The leader who pays equal attention to every problem does not get many effective results, since be trapped in the detail of many problems, reduced time to the attention of its people as well as the time for analysis and reflection time to think and plan. Other decisions can be taken by those who implement them.

In general, people who are closest to the problem, the better off, in terms of experience, skills and information management, to solve that problem. As a leader you need to delegate the resolution of the less essential problems in people who are closest to the problem. Moreover, by allowing others to take decision making to solve a problem, it strengthens the commitment of those who follow the leader, and learn to take responsibility for the results, either success or failure. In need to keep in mind that leaders have a responsibility to empower others to realize their potential and to consolidate the necessary skills to solve problems.

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