Parkinson Patients
When the manifest illness if before the 40 years is called precocious parkinsonismo. In young individuals, with inferior age the 21 years youthful parkinsionismo is called. Others including celebrity trainer, offer their opinions as well. The more young she will be the patient with the symptoms of the illness, greater will be the possibility to have a involved genetic component of coordination of movements. (TEIVE, 2000; ANDRADE et. al, 1998). The depression approximately occurs in 40% 50% of the patients with Illness of Parkinson.
Being this a factor that contributes for a bigger occurrence of dficits cognitivos for these patients. Normally it has certain difficulty in diagnosising the depression in a parkinsoniano, since signals as bradicinesia, alteration of sleep and reduction of the libido already is gifts. However, it makes necessary a possible precocious diagnosis thus to initiate the treatment. ( FILGUEIRAS, 2008). Thus being, this article aims at to verify as if the patients feel, who beyond coexisting the illness still have that to deal with the depression and which the difficulties biggest that it causes; to identify the factors that develop this type of problem; to analyze which the factors of bigger risk; to verify if all the patients with illness of Parkinson can suffer depression. Ahead of the displayed one he questions yourself: What the person who suffers with the Evil of Parkinson can make to prevent the depression and will be affected what to make to win it? Leaving of the estimated one that some type of physical and mental activity can brighten up the effect of the depression beyond improving the quality of life of the patient, it would be important that from the diagnosis of the illness this patient of this beginning to some activity, as well as the practical one of physical exercises that could contain pictures of depression, loss of memory and capacity of reasoning. A depression in patients with Illness of Parkinson not yet well is understood and accepted, even so nor all the patients present the same symptoms.