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§ June 10th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Children

The child often stops taking the opinions of others, insisting on his own. Depreciation. Often children at this time devalue what used to be for them to interesting and important. A child may break his favorite toy, book, breaking with a tale that he once loved, etc. Occurs as a "Goodbye" with a second life.

Jealousy, despotism. If a family has other children, then a three-year child may appear to them a strong jealousy and impatience. If he is one, then it begins to manifest tyranny, that is, starting point You can leave a mom or not, he will wear and what not. Interaction. This period is characterized by the fact that the child begins to understand and accept their peers.

It is now possible cooperative games for children's sites. Protest-riot. Constant conflicts with adults. In 3 years the child needs to take his family on the autonomy and independence. It is noteworthy that, despite the fact that every child is experiencing a crisis of three years, all Children react to it differently. Many experience it quietly and almost imperceptibly, but often you do not miss the obvious changes to your baby. Do not think that necessarily all of the above and just appear in your child. We should not forget that each child is unique, and some signs show up in his more and some less, or even pass unnoticed by you. How should we behave to parents? Important to remember that the baby and he suffers from a crisis.