Exercise And Limitations
To determine the allowable limit (and it is different for everyone), it is desirable to test with physical exercise on bicycle or treadmill (moving walkways). But be careful! Count the pulse in the event of pain and subsequently try not to bring the heart rate to this value. For example, if the pain occurs when the frequency heart rate 115-120 beats per minute, the intensity of the physical must be such that the pulse does not exceed 100 beats per minute. Avoid large statistical effort (transport or lifting heavy objects). Rather dynamic exercise: walking, swimming, cycling, jogging. With sedentary lifestyles useful 2-3 times a week for 30-35 minutes to do gymnastics without bringing the heart rate (pulse) to the threshold values.
And even better day to day to lead an active lifestyle: to do housework, less use of transport, to walk short distances, stop the elevator. If you live in one of the top floors, call the elevator to the second or third floor. But do not train through the power! HEALER: Get rid of high blood pressure! Initially, you can try non-drug methods: normalize increased body weight, limiting salt and 5 g / day, increase physical activity, to give up alcohol. Try this recipe. Lowers blood pressure, reduces the excitability of the nervous system, tones the heart muscle increases coronary blood flow, eliminates arrhythmia and tachycardia, blood-red hawthorn. Tablespoon of dried fruit to make a glass of boiled water, for 2 hours in a warm place (you can brew in a thermos), drain.