The People
It will be able to also function, as I stimulate the people who have interest in knowing the universe of the narcissism. It is important still, in the measure where, the inquiry of the subject searchs to understand the significao of the narcissism, in the inquiry of the evolution of the concept of narcissism in the workmanship of Freud, searching the relations of approach with the contemporaneidade. In the scope of the clinic, this research is important still, therefore it provides to place itself in the place of a very particular researcher, that must be intent to reflect on all these singular questions of the culture contemporary and, at the same time, to reflect on we ourselves, and our paper as professional, that is, to reflect about the therapeutical work that we develop, and the theory supports that it. Therefore, the return the Freud, in the direction to explore its primcias and its contributions significant (as well as of other authors), it places in them, with bigger precision, in the way for our reflection in the profession of psychologists. It is in the daily clinical confrontation with our patients who our reflections gain body. The relevance of the research consists of the theoretical aspect, in the understanding and communication of the concepts, looking for to establish the systematization of a chaining of ideas, that can support its practical. The work is structuralized from a bibliographical research of the texts of Freud, psychology and sociology etc and, mainly, around the terms narcissism, citizen, and culture contemporary. Making a survey of the characteristics of the contemporneidade, bringing as counterpoint the paradigmtico model of modernity, and the set of psychological transformations. (LAZZARINI, 2006) the NARCISSUS MYTH will be weaveeed brief consideraes on the myth of Narcissus, without adentrar in the mitolgicas questions, for being the interest of the psychological order. It will also go, to compile aspects that interest the psicanaltica boarding directly.