Jojoba Extract

§ November 10th, 2011 § Filed under General § Tagged , Comments Off on Jojoba Extract

Let's talk about makeup, which includes an extract of jojoba. Learning of this ingredient, you'll be with more credible refer to products, which included a component that amazing. These include anti-aging elite cosmetics DeSheli. It suits each and everyone who wants to safely and in a short time to regain its face 10 years ago, or simply to prevent aging of the skin at an early stage. Jojoba extract is the best lipid material of modern cosmetics. This is due to the fact that out of it does not produce oil, like other plants of similar type, namely, vegetable wax. The uniqueness of jojoba is that it is very similar in structure to the wax, which is 25-30% of our sebum and has no problem penetrating the deepest layers of the skin, is able to blend in with the collagen.

And this property is necessary for anti-aging cosmetics. At the same time, this plant produces ensure that the pores are not clogged. Jojoba extract can simultaneously give full uvlazhennuyu skin, thanks to the exceptional spreadability, as well as give the skin a healthy look resilient, holding moisture loss. The versatility of the substance does not find a match among other natural ingredients. Restorative action: cell regeneration due to the presence in the composition of jojoba protein resembling collagen smyagchenie compacted areas of the skin, reduction of colloidal scars, stretch marks removal.

The protective effect: formation on the surface of the skin gazopronikayuschego protective layer, resistance to oxidation, hydrolysis and temperature changes, getting rid of cracks and wrinkles. The stimulatory effect: deep penetration into the epidermis, slowing the oxidation of skin lipids, preventing premature aging and reduce the risk of cancer-related skin changes, controlling the water balance of the skin, improve skin turgor. Anti-inflammatory effect: the ability to control redness and inflammation with dermatitis, getting rid of acne. An important is that jojoba is universal in application. This component is ideal for all skin types. With normalizing property is useful for both dry and oily skin. Therefore, it is used in such media companies DeSheli, as the night fitokrem of cosmetic collection for women aged 35 years, a series of Crystal youth anti age. Along with such active ingredients like vitamin E, beeswax, ginseng extract, shea butter at night cream, jojoba extract restores skin, accelerates the regeneration of healthy cells, weakening the basis of age, gives the skin elasticity and shine in life. Apart from the fact that an extract of jojoba by itself is a unique irreplaceable component, it also can be an excellent alternative to such popular but harmful components, such as preservatives and stabilizers. In cosmetics, the same DeSheli used 25% jojoba oil in the composition, while other manufacturers are limited to only 2-5%. This is due to the fact that this substance is very expensive in view of its efficiency and wide range of problems to be solved. Nature has made women really priceless gift, which for several thousand years helps regain their health, youth and beauty. To date, cosmetics DeSheli is the most productive use of the embodiment of jojoba. Source:

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