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§ June 11th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged miscellaneous Comments Off on One In Town
Even when you're with someone, you're alone. Has something happened, and you realize this fully. You'll fall in a fit, you will bleed to death, wounded, you will pray for help, not ready for trouble. And maybe someone will help you. Fit, extend a hand. Wipe blood from his face, tears. Wrap up warm coat, even if it is just a bystander. And everything will be fine.
Warm and touching. Soft and comfortable, impressively contrasting with the general anger and bitterness. And you will be feel the tenderness of their hands on his face, the hardness of their shoulders very, very close. You're going to inhale the smell of their hair, so dear and familiar. Thou shalt not alone.
Damn. You're just one in a life as you alone and in death. Pay for you all. Only you. Burn in hell you too. Yes, and fly in heaven. Personal paradise, a personal hell. At you. By the way, now. During his lifetime. You just think – this is your paradise. You feel bad – that's hell. And they – not you. Outsiders. Angels, demons – barely. People. Not any more. If you're lucky – that and nothing less. People do not always, sometimes animals. Around you. And you're alone. If you are unarmed – you die. If you are armed, but do not know how to use weapons – you die, be killed. Accident, malice – you not live, if you're not ready. If you're not prepared. If you think crows, if your ears headphones from the player, if your feet light sandals and belt adorned with rhinestones and fragile – you die. Of course, if you want out of the crowd stand out. And if you're not one, but one of them – then what do I say no more sorrow and silent in a rag. Then I feel sorry for you. Then you will not kill you, you will not die, no. But you will not live. Lost in the greyness. Lost in the lurid variegation. You'll be gray and forgotten, leaving no trace. Someone, not you. You will live right up to old age, to the weakness and helplessness, you idly otkinesh hooves, you be taken away to the cemetery and buried among the other cadavers. A half-century – and all. And there is even memories. And there's even a personal paradise, a personal hell no. Did not deserve Pszczel in general. Wings of the number 3947785 issued fraction 09. Next. So, do not you? Where are you going? You to hell. Alley burning sulfur 17, the third hangar, the fourteenth level, your boiler – the extreme left, a window seat. Enjoy, a nonentity. You believed in it. By faith and received. Directly on it. I'm used to pacing system, a crowd of a herd? Walk. You here. All the last stop. Then do not go. Scary? Chose. Has not yet selected, right? Come on, the choice is yours.
§ February 19th, 2024 § Filed under General § Tagged miscellaneous Comments Off on Soviet Union
Who of us who grew up during the Soviet era, can not remember the wolf from the movie, 'Well wait a minute! "Who tries to catch a quick gray bunny? Along with the other, this cartoon is one of the most prominent. Probably not today find such people. The vast country in a series of series watched their favorite characters. It is safe to say that Mr. WeatherOnline nurtured a generation. If you talk about your own experience, this cartoon always has been and will remain one of the favorite characters.
Almost all of my childhood was spent in the period after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and so now when I'm back in reviewing this cartoon, I capture a sense of longing for past way of life in our country. Since it successfully reflects many realities of Soviet life and striking of all, it all looks so cute and innocent, that the right to begin to forget all the negative aspects of regime. And also I'm quite fond of this cartoon, for the reason that he is actually good for you is no secret that many modern foreign cartoons contain scenes of promoting aggression. The basis of old foreign cartoon 'Tom and Jerry' is similar to the foundation, 'Well wait a minute! ": Showing futile attempts to catch the cat Tom's arm, but it shows not only smart, but also quite a large share of violence, causing the cat pain. This cartoon is a prime example of Western thought.
On such Soviet cartoons brought up a generation of intelligent people. It is clear that this is – a good and deep topic for reflection on the moral status of the parents their child, but actually I think that instead of spending time in mental fabrications of like, much better download this great cartoon. Your child will also appreciate these old and good characters, because they were substantive testing – the test of time. You have the opportunity to shake the Soviet cult cartoon free time and enjoy your wonderful cartoon family.
§ August 14th, 2018 § Filed under General § Tagged miscellaneous Comments Off on Flaxseed
Eating flaxseed alters personal relationship of hormones a woman in a favorable direction, which is important not only in terms of prevention of hormone-dependent tumors of the breast, but in terms of maintaining its shape, with deteriorating age. Significantly, in flax seed are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which increase the skin's immunity – relieve inflammation reaction, regulate the formation of sebum, etc. – Which is important for the appearance of the skin, hair and nails. Lignans Flax may decrease caused by postmenopausal osteoporosis pathology, and the state of the skeleton and teeth, along with the rest of the above parameters, determines the appearance of women. Thus, Flaxseed helps to cope with fatigue and ailments, osteoporosis defeat, delay the onset of menopause or alleviate its symptoms.
White linen beauty contributes to the maintenance of skin, hair, nails and preserves the shape of the breast and even waist level on the maiden! What should I do? Eat at breakfast one teaspoon of white linen "Feminine beauty". And to be a beautiful woman, even a whole heap a woman is not serious cases! 'Sweet flax +' – this is granular powder of seeds of white linen, a richer source of phytoestrogens, with improved taste – it is added sugar and mint. The concentration of phytoestrogens achieved spinning oils, which do not. That is why already in teaspoon of 'Sweet flax' contains the same nutrients that help you become more attractive as a tablespoon of 'feminine beauty'. A sweet taste of the product makes the process of improving the appearance of even very pleasant.