In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) And Age
Traditionally assumed that the optimal age for motherhood begins with a 20 – 23 years and continues to 35-37. So consider and physicians, while recognizing that life is different and the overall picture of fertility and fate individual. The decision to become a mother affect the health and housing, and the material situation and the availability of a reliable family, "Home Front" and the desire to make a career. It is not surprising that today a lot of women becoming mothers after 30 years. They have enough life experience, a certain material and social position and their desire to have a baby – consciously.
Doctors also believe this situation is not quite normal: firstly in terms of what childbearing age destined primarily by nature, and secondly because of the state of women's health, which with age may not operate correctly: inflammatory and chronic diseases, weakening of the immune system, the problem of female genital sphere and as a consequence of inability to conceive. If there are some serious problems, with no effect on fertility treatment raises the question of extracorporeal fertilization. Certainly, the decision is a woman – and a favorable outcome events (bearing and childbirth) statistics account for 33% (age 35-37 years) and 14% (age over 41 years). What's worth keeping in mind women who elect to ivf after 30 years? – In principle, the same as the others: the possibility of method failure, the likelihood of miscarriage (the statistics shows that the percentage of unwanted pregnancy and the percentage of successful pregnancy and birth to the age of 35 to 44 years of steadily declining). The reason is – that with age the quality of eggs is reduced or, as some physicians, "erased the genetic code on fertility." It is interesting to add that the quality of male germ cells with age does not change. However, despite the arguments of doctors and statistics, good examples do exist. What these women see their secret? – They themselves believe that in quiet confidence, configured on the result and support for your favorite men..