Healthy Appetite
Needless to say, that fruits and vegetables that you choose for the meal should be be fresh and ripe? Do not buy them in large quantities, even if you have a refrigerator with a special feature that helps keep foods fresh for a long time. Better to spend a few extra minutes to on the way home to run on the market or to the nearest store. Meat and poultry are preferred low-fat (better than beef or veal, chicken or turkey breast), but from time to time you can afford to relax slightly. And do not be afraid of oily fish. First, it must be for a salad is not so much, and secondly, it is very useful for health (for example, it is necessary to maintain a good memory). This does not mean that only need to eat it, but to avoid it is not recommended. In Overall, salads – it's a miracle dish. Important to remember that the meal should be varied and even the most wonderful salad is not necessary for you to replace a hot meal.
Here are some recipes for tasty and healthy salads from a site Useful salads 1.Salat 'on diet' 1 head lettuce, 2 cucumbers, 5 pcs. Radish, a pod of pepper, 100 grams of wheat germ, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 0.5 teaspoon of honey, white pepper and salt. Wash lettuce leaves, hands to break the larger pieces do not. Cucumbers and radishes cut into thin strips. Peppers and remove seeds walls, cut into strips. Ingredients together, add salt and pepper to taste, add wheat germ, mix well. Combine the lemon juice with olive oil and honey, mix well.
Pour the resulting dressing the salad. 2. Chicken salad on Chinese 300 g roast fowl, 2 boiled eggs, a pickled cucumber, 1 onion, 1 to 2 of Art. tablespoons horseradish, 2 tbsp. tablespoons soy sauce, fresh herbs. Poultry meat and cucumber cut into sticks. Eggs coarsely chop. Onion cut into thin half rings. Ingredients together, fill with a mixture of horseradish and soy sauce, stir. Sprinkle shredded lettuce ready greens. Bon Appetit!